Tank Descriptons!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PrestonGarvey, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. Hello KaW! X-D here, and here is my comprehensive quide to tanks! Enjoy!

    The Tog 2...

    This occurred when Her Royal Highness's greatest battleship crashed onto land and the navy decided not to bring it back...

    The Panther

    Jousting - for tanks

    The Churchill VII

    For when you want to give a pair of tracks a gun.

    The Challenger 2

    Nothings unstoppable right? oh wait... this exists

    The Maus

    Irony doesn't even compute.

    The KV-2

    When you have a tank and decide to put a box on it

    The PL-01

    For when you push the barrel through the turret and it takes some of the turret with it.

    The M107

    For when you want to make the tallest man made object in the world

    I will update this as and when I can. Sorry for this being quite short as of now, please suggest tanks for me to include!

  2. Re: Tanks!

    Tanks for the gud tread.
  3. Re: Tanks!

    Your puns make me want to do a back flip whilst standing on the edge of a very tall building
  4. Re: Tanks!

    I was expecting a post about build mechs, then a build with actual depth about tank which I wouldn't read, then I did read it.

    Triple disappointment, no support.

    So you're further from the edge and safer so you can hear more of his puns?
  5. Re: Tanks!

    Did you know tanks were originally called landships?
    Name was changed so the bad-men thought the good-guys were transporting water tanks
  6. Re: Tanks!

    I will stay tuned for the next installment.
  7. Re: Tanks!

    R u Spiderman? 
  8. Re: Tanks!

    Make a thread about mopeds please
  9. Re: Tanks!

  10. Re: Tanks!

    Put the DesTROYeR
  11. Re: Tanks!

    That KV-2 is no joke. That is 152 mm cannon on that thing. Derp King. There is a cool video of the Russians getting a Su-152 restarted. Obviously it's not in English so...

    I like the lend lease war world 2 models. Like the m4's and what not. The stop gap vehicles.

    The M48's and M60's are pretty cool tanks post world war 2. If you like American hardware. The Leo's and Centurions are pretty awesome as well.

    People still have usable models.
  12. Re: Tanks!

    This will probably get you Valiant Knight
  13. Re: Tanks!


    This is a Sherman Firefly with a 17 pdr. This is a British variant.


    Here is a soviet variant. That looks like a 75mm. They really like the Sherman. Not as much as there tanks, but it was a respected piece of hardware.
  14. Re: Tanks!

    You'll probably get farmed for being a d-bag.

    Maybe you can write some awesome song about it. Fail artist.
  15. Re: Tanks!

    This is a moped... It is green.
  16. Re: Tanks!

    Do something then
  17. Re: Tanks!

    I will when I get a chance.
  18. Re: Tanks!

    I think we are at 30,000,000 downloads on mobile. : p
  19. Re: Tanks!

    Full bars
  20. Re: Tanks!

    Someone is compensating for something I suspect.