
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by suckers251, May 3, 2016.

  1. Hello fellow KaWers I would like to call myself a forumer, but forum games hardly count. I was a complete noob to wars until about 2 weeks ago. Recently I have been warring a good bit to reach my goals for event. I am an attack build and everyone says I am a leak. I can be a leak sometimes, but in my past 2 indis combined I was only KOed 3-4 times half of them being because I wasn't told who to sko on and I was in cc asking and no one answered. I think I can now say that I am not a leak because I make more plunder than I lose. But anyway, I was thinking and I realized something. Without att and ps builds in war, wars would suck. It would be so hard to KO anyone because everyone is a tank. There would be no one to sit on and the purpose of the tank would be defeated pretty much. However with that in mind, I am considering being a tank. My question to you guys is with everything I have said in mind, should I become a tank?
  2. Tank wars is BFA wars. Get BFE build BFA. If you wat to be a tank. And don't forget to buy 10k each pot. You need them
  3. "Leak" refers to your build. You're likely to get plundered on due to a lack of defense.

    And it shouldn't matter who you sko on, just look at who's up and pick one to dive on if your WC isn't saying anything.

    Glad to see you're getting into EE and I wish you luck.
  4. Thanks, normally WCs prefer for everyone to sko on the same person so they will be weak enough for the tanks to kill. I was just trying to figure out who they preferred me to sko on, they didn't reply and I unluckily tried to sko on someone who was zt lol
  5. I like towers because in war, just plundering and sko'ing is boring to me. I like to stay up, skim a target and soak up inc. trying to get repins is fun too.

    Every build has a purpose, and leaky builds do make a lot of plunder at start. However the problem is that ee wars are not 5-10 mins long. Its not always about who can plunder the most at the start. Which is why leaks are so disliked. You can gain 2 bil at start but over all leak around 3-4 bil off of repin and xtal eaten
  6. Leak basically means u can give plunder more easily away...while yes ko gives more gold for less actions ur lack of ADT makes a easy plunder target almost any decent tank can plunder u or skim u_(i have had similar build and i know how much i leaked:/ )

    To ans ur question are tanks best for for war? Yes...but u have to have good bfa etc aswelp

    Finally...the reason i went from tank to hansel is i realised match ups determine ur performance. Eg..when i converted to hansel i got 4 kos in first war 0 in next 7 in the one after..(roughly cant remember exactly) so match up determine ur performance mostly

    Conclusion...best thing i think u can do with ur build is put up more ADT and SDT and hope for a good match up
  7. Agree with what is said. Build towers to be a tank. At your size that's way more important than bfa. Spy defence towers will help you not get assassinated and be able to use your troops more effectively. Attack defence towers help you tank against incoming attacks. Once you get bigger these are very effective. My build is under construction. But as you can see by my spy defence stats towers are very important. My adt(attack defence towers) are hidden, but I have over 33 mil adt and climbing
  8. Want*
  9. People who refer to u as leak usually refer to ur lack of sdt as u r more prone to ko coz of no sdt. So u should make some sdt for stopping the assns
  10. Don't even war with it, my build got me top 500 in season 4
  11. Just because you have no gold out doesn't mean you arent leaking gold to the opponent every time you are attacked. Imo tanks are still best in indi, maybe ll too. You will need towers to defend inc or you are a leak. If you dont want to tower you can still excel at advantage indi with a eb build as long as you are good at skoing. Also bfe and bfa can help you to be more solid.