Discussion in 'Wars' started by _-KIRIL-_, Jul 4, 2013.

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  1. This is a official request for cf we are honerable clan we certanly did not mean to strip any of ur clan mate during CF if we have we truly apolagize. through out this war if we have accuse u of lying and breaking the cf, and also for our rudeness during the negotiations we do appolagize.
  2. We'll get back to you.
  3. This is the second worst cf request and apology, i think i have ever read. Your first attempt was the absolute worst. I accept your apology and cf is granted, only because I don't want to see how bad a third attempt can be. Happy KaW'ing
  4. Good Job SFA
  5. I think every time Starfleet Assassins accept an apology, they should post this..

  6. That's awesome Ashes hahaha
  7. EPIC
  8. Too funny! 
  9. Cf granted.
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