Tangled or Tangled In Revolution

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Speo, Nov 1, 2016.

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  1. What ever happened to that horrible clan?

    Everyone knows about the reputation of tangled and the bullying with The Skittle Harem and RPL.

    #TsH 4 Lyfe
  2. --revolution--

    ^they're still here
  3. Isn't this war over?
  4. Yes the disney princess writes checks her ass can't cash then has the clan fight her battle while she worries about event items and never hits back
  5. Seems tangled has been inactive and dead for past month and tangled in revolution. Disbanded...Hmmm
  6. There was a war? More gossip please.
  7. We are very much around and if you look down my wall you will find an account called tangledinrevolutionsucks (so clever) begging for a cf on my wall... that link will lead you to speo :) have a nice day and BTW Speo... it's revoked :) :) :)
  8. Lmaoooo speo u stupid stupid noob
  10. You actually granted him a CF while he was rockin that name and after he moonfaced you???

    Noob mistake my friend :lol:
  11. We don't support forcing players to spend.

    He could change his name when he wanted
  12. There is no way to spin such a noobish move. He put a moonface in his CF... Even Sheldon could read the sarcasm there.

    And yea, if a player spends two bucks to mock you, It's more than reasonable to attack them until they spend two bucks to unmock you.
  13. Dont let a suitcase full of cheese be your fork and spoon :)


  15. "such a noobish move" I think you're talking about Illuminati posting ads in wc during osw :)
  16. wow such a nub, from what it seems they lost some of their members which was for the better tbh haha
  17. No No, I was definitely talking about y'all granting a CF to someone who was clearly mocking you guys.

    Now look at y'all. he done baited y'all into forums and made you guys look like clowns again. SMH.

  18. You're the only clown here bro, you might aswell be begging for moles when you put those ads out, good thing for you that they have nothing to learn (since you do nothing bit hit hte) except how stupid you really are

    See we're getting attention by speo posting this thread, basically advertising our success through his/her butthurt, and an added bonus of your obvious butthurt aswell :)

    You're the only one on this thread taking op' s side making you look just as dumb
  19. I havnt taken O.P side.

    I simply pointed out the foolishness of your decision to grant him a C.F.

    I'm not butthurt.

    I'm laughing at your attempt to pivot away from your mistake by changing the subject to the recruiting practices of a KotFE clan.

    You sir are butt hurt though. Thats why you have come here to say everything you can except "You know what, we did make a mistake. We should've never CFed on that scrub."

    Had you said that^ This convo would have ended yesterday. Instead yall made lame excuses and tried to change the subject. Now I get to make fun of you and nothing you say now can change that :lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. This thread is Tangled
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