Tactical Force Vs WarLoR. (OSW).

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TF-WaR_ZonE, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. I have read the current thread that a warlor alt has made about this war and it doesnt explain any reasons to why this started and it also doesnt tell the truth as far as clans involved. So here is the story from Tactical Force's side on how this went down.

    It all started with the most recent #5 EE war, Tactical Force vs Silver. TF leadership decided to go ahead and not participate in our matchup against Silver due to the mistake made in Matchups(will go into further details about that if needed but not really relevant), as our clan history shows we did not fight back in this EE war and Forfeited at the 2 hour mark. Silver was ultimantley dispointed with the result of the war im sure, but we made it clear we showed no disrespect to Silver, this was the Devs mistake, not theirs. although disapoined they accepted the easy win and moved on, no problem.

    Your next question is going to be how did WarLor get involved in this? Well Warlor Clan owner IMF decided he needed to voice his opinion about Tactical Force on a Guests wall (keep in mind they are not involved in this at all). which basically stated that he had no respect for TF and we should have sucked it up and ultimatley fought back no matter what the matchup was like. The comment left on this guests wall was uncalled for and extremely rude and offensive to the TF family. As a result the TF clan owner followed Warlor owner and told him simply to stop posting on his members walls. IMF(WL owner) started bashing TF in PM to doG saying smart comments like "or else what? you will fight back? lol", and to be totally fair the TF clan owner responded with his own rude comments aswell at that point.

    At this time the EE war was still going on and TF-doG(TF owner) challegned IMF's alt which is owner of WarLor to a 1v1. doG also offered to play on a smaller alt to make it fair. IMF avioided the 1v1 request multiple times before clearly stating that he doesnt do 1v1 he uses his whole clan to settle issues. Right after the EE war with Tactical Force and Silver was over, Warlor members began farming doG and several other members of TF(keep in mind TF has not hit Warlor at all).

    At this point TF was preparing members for this OSW incase the farming continued. WL got wind of our preparing and decided to attpemt to strip TF-doG(this is not claimed in previous thred because of the fail attempt & thats a WL alt that made the post). After the fail Strip we have full on gone into this OSW and plan to see it out until the end.

    Also in the previous thread it lists this OSW as 2 clans vs 2 clans, which at this time is currently not true at all. The REAL clans involved in this OSW.

    Tactical Force
    Tactical Fear

    La Resistance
    WarLoR Hellhounds

    I am not very good with tracking strips but i can say for sure at this time no member from Tactical Force has been sucsessfully stripped, only 1-2 real attempts have been made.

    As far for WarLor members being stripped i will let them say whatever they want when it comes to their own statictics. I expect them to lie as they have already which is fine, we arent in this for the fame, we are here to protect our own at whatever costs. I Expect this to be a very long OSW. Best of Luck WarLoR!
  2. So many of these going on. Best of luck to both of you!
  3. What exactly did he say? And so what if he shared his opinion on your actions?

    I believe it's no secret that Val is NOT IMF's alt.

    Please post proof the alt belongs to a member of WarLoR.

    Who in WarLoR has lied, and what have they lied about?
  4. Wall of text >_<
  5. Teach the nub a lesson
  6. @OP
    1. WarLoR leader (Valor) is not an alt of IMF.
    2. You should see the PM conversation between Valor and your leader. You would know why your clan was farmed.
    3. Even your guest agreed to Valor's comment on his wall.
    4. Agree that strip information on other thread is biased (cause they are not showing what is attempted from TF), but not lies. As soon as they were stripped they reported, so yes they were failed attempts.
    5. Why did you called 1-1 with Valor, why not go for 1-1 with IMF? And talking about 2 vs 3 clans - didn't realized earlier something like that can happen?

    PS: IMF has already stated plans on his wall. Ball is in your court.
  7. So this is basically a war about two 14 year olds being butthurt. Congrats.
  8. Well you know, devs don't organize OSW. Warring clans dont need much reasons to war. Pick any osw and you will find that most of the times harsh mouthing are reasons to begin them.
  9. This war gonna go on for a while I like it
  10. Lmao prior to my retirement (I just returned last week), I was a member of the Black Hand Family. An OSW didn't start because of harsh words, it started because we hit someone a bit heavy and they got defensive, so we had to teach them a lesson. Not because our little feelings got hurt.

    Caedis 
  11. Ooh nice.
    Thankfully I've managed to save some peeps out of this war.
  12. Monster stop selling pop corn you got your own osw to worry about
  13. Some clans just don't entertain insults. Think you missed a lot of OSWs lately lol
  14. Don't take away a promising business away from me. Please...please....pleaseeee!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  15. LMFAO :lol:
  16. I found some SS that are suspicious and **seem** to indicate that valor is imf's alt....  I will not post them here (I don't have photobucket, will never get it...) but u can pm me (or you can ignore this post). 
  17. @spartacus, there's only a few 
  18. That other thread isn't a WarLoR alt. don't throw your accusations around bud, it's against ToU and we were just as shocked as you were when we saw the thread.