T6 Level 3

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Valkyrie-XV, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. So now that we have the final level of t6 available to buy, what are your overall opinions on t6?

    The stats for T6 level 2 were extremely bad, but does level 3 make up for that? Please discuss.

    Also. I've heard things about T6 Level 3 decreasing plunder, is this just in terms of ally bonus when you hit an eb, but your end bonus is actually a lot more? Or does both ally bonus and end bonus decrease?
  2. Maybe lvl3 t6 makes people too big for haunts? Idk I'm not real good at the calculations that go into it️
  3. I'm not sure. I'm almost close to completing my HLBC GH build. Then it's tower time. Tell me wen you find out
  4. Re: T6 Level 3 complaint

    I added 4 level 3 attack buildings ... My plunder per attack fell a lot ... My overall plunder not sure .... My impact on target up slightly
    Have sent devs ? About punish for growth but no response .... VERY DISPLEASED
  5. The aim of kaw has always been to grow, the more you grow, the more money you earn.

    But with these recent releases, things have changed.
  6. Things haven't really changed. It's just that with more buildings, people can become too strong for Hauntings, and their plunder drops. They'd still make more if they hit someone their size. I guess, to make people happier, they'll need to make a higher tier EB like the Haunting.
  7. Does anyone know what the price is like? And the stats?
  8. Both the stats and the prices can be found on kaw_admins latest thread.
  9. And I was surprised when I saw that T6 Level 3 only costs 200b. I thought that with level 2 costing 150b, level 3 would be much more.
  10. Plunder from allies has droped even for people who does b2b GS. Atm there's no higher EB than GS. There's a little increase on payout but i dont know if that's bigger than the decrease on plunder.
  11. Of course you will make less on haunts now just as you made less on warbeast at some point when your stats outgrew the eb. The devs did create another gold making eb for bigger builds to hit. With 75 lands now and t6 builds you should expect to outgrow a first generation eb
  12. It's not a matter of being "too strong for hauntings". The algorithm used to determine plunder includes a ratio of total strength (stats) to total soldiers. This has been known forever because it is the fundamental reason that towers and castle upgrades lower your plunder (increased stats but no increase to soldiers). This is also the general reason behind the success/value of guild hansels and the issues of transitioning a guild hansel build to a hansel with SOS and finding plunder decreases.

    T6 is now the first time in which the amount of stats added by upgrading a building is so large that it overcomes the number of troops added by upgrading the building. I first started to realize this when I noted that the t6 buildings gave a proportional increase of 42.5% of the stats over the lower level when prior tiers of buildings gave around a 50% increase. I wondered why the devs lowered the proportional increase and now it has become very apparent.

    T6 is right on the edge of the algorithm for what can be built and upgraded that will not severly decrease your plunder like adding towers does. If they made t6 with the 50% boost, we'd all see large drops in plunder upon upgrading.

    The only way to keep this from getting worse in the future is to lower the strengh per soldier in future buildings but have the building provide more total soldiers. For a balanced building, instead of 1100 soldiers at 12,254 strength each (13,479,400 total strength), perhaps something like 1700 soldiers at 7,929 strength each (13,479,300 total strength). The result would be the same total combined stats (almost, they differ by 100 over a 13mil total) however, the plunder increase should be substantial given the number of soldiers proportionally increased versus the strength (stats) increased.

    This will make it a bit difficult for the devs to create a t7 building without having lower the strength and increase the troops....or make a fundamental change to their plunder algorithm. However, for all those complaining that t6 doesn't give as high of stats for the price.....if you got your wish and got the stats, your plunder would go to hell just like building towers.
  13.  you are a very smart person, and explained it very well.

    Thank you
  14. Interesting. Thank you, Thanatos!
  15. Hmm, interesting explanation...

    The plunder curve at every epic battle has a maximum and adding further stats to your build will lower the plunder received. As you say, it seems mostly to depend on a stats/troop ratio. Adding a new (troop or spy) building usually would increase your plunder (depending on the eb). Upgrading it however could very well lower it. Upgrading a T6 from lvl1 to 2 did lower your plunder on hauntings, it isn't specific to lvl3.

    The stats of T6 buildings are in fact following a pretty straightforward logic: T5 plus 15% and this for every level. That's why you don't see the same progression from lvl1 to 2 and 3 as for other tiers.

    As for the future: I am pretty sure that it isn't complicated (and that we will soon see) to design plunder curves for new epics that only reach their maximum beyond the stats of a HFbc build.
  16. If your theory is correct Thanatos (and it sounds good to me) then maybe the devs should pay you to do the next one or have you fix this one. Even if it's not correct it sounds damn good.
  17. No no, I pay the devs and they give me xstals, that's how it's always worked and it works just fine. No sense changing things up now, I'd just screw it all up.

    [Not saying I'd turn away any free xstals there devs. *wink*]
  18. But tharanos, if the make the t9 eb number 4 really tough, that could fix the problem too right?
  19. I think that T6L3 really needs bigger epics for better earnings. Plunder Ally plunder give you overall plunder.... question is what increase and what decrease in which epic .... guys report; and at the end we don't know difference between 1/3 of T6L3 and 100% HF T6L3 complete
  20. @herolight

    I would assume so. The dev's have never given up the goods on their actual algorithm for the plunder and how it relates to ebs vs. hitting other players. It would stand to reason that they took the effects of t6 into account when creating all of the Jorathe eb's and made them more difficult and higher paying for exactly that reason. I do hope the final one follows that same route....and hopefully has a bit less of the "atk only....then spy only.....then atk some more.....but only atk.....no spies" setup.