t6 att builds - your thoughts...

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by levite-resetbomb148, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. I've just noticed that for the first time since T1 builds, the devs appear to have changed the formula for builds to stat ratio for the attack builds.

    To put that more succinctly..

    Normally we have

    ATT:(cf) has the least total stats/plunder/and def stat per build for its tier

    BAL:(coe)has the most stats/2nd plunder/ and mirrored stat per build for its tier

    DEF:(titan)has the 2nd most stats/1st in plunder/and least att stat per build for its tier

    For T6:
    We now have the ATT build with more stats total than the BAL build this is a KaW first.
    Also the DEF build has the most stats of the three also a first.

    So my questions are this..

    Are we to assume that the plunders may also be different?

    Can we no longer assume the def build has 5% plunder bonus?

    Does or does not the bal build have 1 extra regen?

    For those who put thought into what plunder they get out of their build in the end, the above becomes important to know before you start building t6. There is also the player who wishes to have the most stats for either clan rank or added value to their hire price(maybe they think it will help them get to lb  idk). Regardless of your preference, I suggest waiting to get specifics on t6 before choosing builds as 50b x 25 is no small mistake unless u r lb or Playing "credit KaWrds at War" as I like to call it.

     Finally it seems attack builds will get the bonus stat they deserve for going all out on att and not succumbing to the defensive stat or higher plunder build(all be it only in t6 builds).

    **For those wondering.. spy builds are the smallest in total stats for t6 as usual and are therefor not included in the above(though maybe plunder ratio has changed yet seems doubtful)... towers = no plunder same as before.**


    Your thoughts...
  2. You just made scrambled egg out of my brain
  3. To those saying that build plunder has dropped, its not true, HAUNT plunder has dropped by quite a bit.
  4. Attack build doesn't have lowest total stat, it's equal to the def one.

    It has equal plunder in terms of a single Hit to balanced

    The bal build gave 2 extra attacks not 1.
  5. All 3 attack buildings have 15 hits.
    The spy building has only 2 hits
    ^^^ Using the land trick.

    As you know. T5 Attack n Def had 25 hits and T5 balanced build had 27 hits
    And T4 Attack n Def had 24 hits and T4 balanced build had 26 hits.

    The T5 n T6 Def building had 5% more plunder.
    Here in T6 the plunder just increases by 500k per hit per building.

    So, for HLBC with T5 complete. I get 44m to 32m for FoD
    With T6 not complete yet, I get 48m to 36m for FoD.
    Attacking a Hansel with T5 BC used to nett me 78m 1st hit, now with some T6 I get 84m 1st hit to as high as 90m with a full on Attack Def Build.
  6. Levite

    Looks like hobbit is a forum hopper ya. Poking his nose where ever he goes and not following what the thread is about!!


  7. And radianz cant stay on the same thread either.
  8. Radianz you joined the thread by talking about something offtopic? I said something that would help in plunder calcs between HL and HF lands.
  9. Can you two just talk in each other feeds? Stop spamming.
  10. I think building dynamics havnt changed much. Balanced still give most stats. Def gave 5%. N Att gives most attack. I think some of ur statements are made off of observations of the buildings troops. If u go to build t6 it looks like def gives most stats followed by attack n balanced last. But thats just for the troops produced. Balanced may have weaker troops but they have more of them so they get the most stats.

    The def n attack buildings have same number of troops so they naturally fall behind balanced.

    IAlso, I'm pretty sure pure balance build doesn't get extra hits. U gotta have mix of attk or def with the balanced buildings for the extra hits.
  11. ^ you are correct i believe, an attack build with one balanced building gives an extra hit
  12. Nope. Balanced give extra. I had 26 hits when I was all balanced buildings :)
  13. That was before I conferred to hansel.
  14. More troops = higher "power" too. If you add up what the buildings add to your own stats (it's on your profile page, and will have a number of something like 119,000) you'll see that the new buildings are more or less the same as the old ones.
  15. shadow. I get 26 hits now with only one t4 bal blding. Maybe if u had mixed u would've gotten 27? Idk. I based my opinion on earlier thread where someone wasn't getting extra hits as pure bal. But got them when someone advice to mix in attak or def blding.

    Malestones point about t5/t6 getting more hits is new to me but kinda makes sense. I've been wanting to change my t4 bal to t5 so I guess I will test then.