T5 sounds good but i think it is unfair on smaller people like me and below,kaw havent made anything for the smaller people apart from ambush (eb),like new ebs are for big people,T5,wwar weekend and all star war soon.plz write how you feel :?:
Well, you know what smaller players are? Newer players. Why should newer players be rewarded for playing such a short time? The players that have played this game a while should be rewarded and they are.
I agree with ILK, newer players need to be more loyal to the game and learn more to unlock the cool newer stuff.
Smaller players have to do the work anyways to get up to that point. T5 Is a great idea gives ppl at hlbc already Something else to build an grow on. This also gives the chance to add even tougher EBs.
Newer players have no idea what prePwar players had to go through to make money. Y'all have it much easier.
Compared to the old days, growing now is a walk in the park. But even that besides, you have all the lower level EB's suited to your size. If they were all engineered to be hit by just anyone they'd be pretty pointless. They're tiered for a reason, that reason being you can hit progressively harder as you grow and learn. On the war front, there's really no point to your complaint there. Want to war? Then join one or get your clan to hold a war. Weekend wars aren't the be all and end all, you can't really justify a complaint towards it. As for T5, what's the issue? You have buildings to get right? At your stage in the game you can progress. HLBC you stockpile cash and allies. It's just adding more depth and a longer life spam. Might seem an endless road, but then, there's never really a completion of the game anyway, and you always have an aim. Overall? New players and those who've been around a matter of months/weeks have it easy anyway. Those EB's you complain about not having enough of, those pwars you complain about no longer being here, well, before that things were a damn sight harder. More fun, but harder.
If there is no new content for higher level peeps, then the game gets boring . New content for smaller peeps are obsolete because they can upgrade and still have EBS and other content waiting for them
As for All Star War, it's been around since the first anniversary so that's really a null and void point. Aim for being in one in the future.
There won't be anymore players if the smaller ones never get new stuff who cares if it was harder to grow its still now a walk in the park for u cause u get eb's that have like a total payout amount of 543 bill WTH
Thats because we worked hard to get to that point, but people who do those big eb's and get what seem's like a rediculous amount of money given, it is given appropriately for that size. What you make in your eb appropriate for your size can be considered the same amount of money FOR YOUR SIZE. It's like converting money from country to country... But it's all money and the same damn difference. You're missing the point. And what do you mean "if newer players don't get new stuff also they will quit." You missed how everyone said a million times that the old stuff is still new to you! So finish that first or just quit then! This new stuff is for those who have already beat the damn game. All of you that are still on level 1 expect to enter some up up down left right cheat code and skip to the end or what? Finish the levels and earn your way there, its all part of playing a game...
I sent the devs an email Asking what they thought about making extra small tier ebs. Like skeleton warriors next to haunting as an alternate choice. Some small epics to next to calador and squidy Zuth would be fun. Email the devs op No bonus or achievements from them. Just fun.
To new players everything is new, and making all updates available to all players encourages mediocrity. Players who work hard deserve premium items. Want that new helmet that was just released? WORK FOR IT! This makes it more rewarding. It's nice that there is exclusivity with these new updates. It makes them meaningful
After T5, every player that joins will NEVER complain about it. Why? Because they came into the game WITH it.
The HLBC guys hafta tear down their older T4 for T5, wasting $, whereas newer guys can go T5 faster. Narrowing the gap in a way..