What's better - a Lvl 2 T4, or Lvl 3 T3. Should I so that then do Lvl 3 later? Or buy all at once? Is a Lvl 2 T4 better than a Lvl 4 guild? What should I do?
You ask too many questions. The one person that can say which building and method of building is best is you, only you know whats best.
No, Barracks are AWESOME! There's nothing like a HLBC Barracks build. You can pin Red-Star and Majesty sooooo easily. Just tell them to scout you and they laugh so hard they sell all their buildings and allies and reset.
A Level 2 Tier 4 is better than a level 4 guild amd a level 3 tier 3. Therefore you should build the lvl 2 T4