Which is better for plunder aT4 lvl 1 or a T3 lvl 3? Can you your answer and why? I have all 3 types of t4 and t3
T4 level 1 has better stats and plunder then T3 level 3. Not sure where people get there info from that T3 is higher but they are incorrect.
The reason T3 lvl 3 is better than T4 lvl 1 is because it provides more TROOPS! more of the lower stat troop is more powerful and gives better plunder than the higher stat building at lvl 1. At T4 lvl 2, you get more troops of even higher stats. T3 lvl 3 gives more troops still, but the better stats of the T4 lvl 2 now make it the better building. As stated. Try to save up to jump to lvl 2 if you're building over an old building. If its a new plot of land, it doesn't matter as much.
please check out the very top of pg 2 of wulf's stickied guide on lands/building in strategy. It lists the plunder for each building at each level. Do your homework and you won't need to ask pointless questions /lock