T4 Hansel Question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llIlllIlIllIlIIWhiteHand-CheeZeYPooFllIlIlIllIllll, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. My build consists of:
    1 castle
    12 lvl 4 guilds
    12 T3 attck, def and balenc. all lvl 3
    1 balenc lvl 2 T4

    If i were to go hansel, should i upgrade my T4 first to lvl 3 or should i convert all of my T3 to Lvl 4 guilds?
  2. I always thought the best thing to do is save up atleast 40-100bil and convert then upgrade. But that's my opinion.
  3. Upgrade you T4 to level 3 and then convert everything into level 4 guilds (except T4 obviously).
  4. Upgrade guilds (if max plunder)
  5. Make sure u do the guilds 1 lvl 4 at a time ._.