Can anyone explain the tier 4 bonus to me, I was told that by building all the T4's (Minus the SoS/not included in bonus) that their would be a bonus/boost. I have CoE's, just built a CF and all at lvl3. Just built a Titan at lvl1, does it have to be at lvl3 to get the bonus? And what is the bonus? For productive forumers only: NO TROLLING! If you got something stupid to say, go make a forum about your lame ass self.
I use to have nothing but circles for a long time. Who ever told you was pulling you leg. There is no special bonus.
The exchange rate will increase bit by bit depending on the value of your land at first. (7%, I believe) and then later on the total value of your buildings
Not all CoE, but by building all the T4 structures that there is some kind of bonus. If it's bull**** then I'll start stripping everything down. But if there's something to this, let's me know. Would hate to waste the $.
It's not worth building them if you can't afford the level 3 versions, which is 26B for troop buildings and 28B for SOS's... btw, SOS's will also increase nobility exchange rate.
Dude you seriously going to believe these noobs? Everyone knows Stables can whip T4 any day of the week. Promise.
You're welcome. By the way, that "bonus" is pretty much useless if you don't spend real cash on nob, or farm them in quests (Not worth it money-wise, anyway) Unless of course, you manage to win one of these contests or participate in a anniversary war. Not that there were many, mind you. xD (one of each in two years. Not really a reliable source of income. But a nice bonus, I appreciated the extra 140ish Billion I recieved :lol: ) Chad, are you calling me a noob?
I am still pushing for Stables on the Highlands. You watch people, one day, x49 stables will not just be a dream but a reality!