This Guide is intended for those about to start buying their T2 buildings as well as any owners about to give their T1 allies advice =] Any KAW slang or abbreviations i use i will add to a glossary at the bottom =] Before you do as almost everyone advises and buy Forges, ask why! and see if it suits you! Here's where rock, paper, scissors comes in We all know how it works, rock blunts scissors, scissors cuts paper, and paper covers rock! Apply this to choosing your build Here are the stats of the T2 buildings (also plunder bonus') at level 1: From this we can see that: A Forge can easily Attack a Forge A Forge can easily Attack a Beast A Forge has some difficulty Attacking a Cath A Beastary can easily Attack a Forge A Beastary has some difficulty Attcking a Beastary A Beastary has great difficulty Attacking a Cath A Cath can easily Attack a Forge A Cath has great difficulty attacking a beastary A Cath has great difficulty attacking a cath So from this forge is looking pretty good, wins most attacks.. until they start hitting back lol but we also see that A beast gives an extra two hits per unload, which is a decent perk! A cath gives a large plunder boost and has a hard defence to break, even the forge struggles to do so, while the cath can happily hit back. Okay so we know our rock paper scissors but the WHY part i mentioned at the start T2 is usually a very short lasting stage of your growth and many would argue that it really doesn't matter what you put on those lands yet. But that is for you to decide. These are the top 2 scenarios of a T2 Kaw player, which one are you? Using the information given to us, we can now work towards a goal. "I just want to grow fast" Brilliant! We know war cathedrals give the best plunder!, and have good defence making it less likely that you will loose your gold to other kaw players. Also put some guilds down as they give the best plunder up until you unlock T4, plus it stops people stealing from you. One Beast would also do nicely for that extra hit. With this build you need to stick to PWARs and low leveled EBs, your attack kinda sticks but you're making the big bucks allowing you to get to those big stat buildings faster! "This is a WAR game, i want to war and farm" Righty O! Forges give the Attack you need! even the caths get a little bit cautious around you! However your defence is so low you loose when they hit back! To solve this problem buy a couple defence towers, it gives a fairly nice def stat boost while leaving most of your lands free to build forges on! Also a few guilds to assassinate your opponents troops to make your chances even better! CAUTION! This is a very low plunder build as the forge gives small plunder and towers give 0 plunder! but if you're only here to kick butt and annoy everyone, here ya go Glossary T2: Tier 2, the second set of troop buildings you unlock; Forge, Cath, Beast T1: Tier 1, the troop buildings that are available to buy at the start; Work shop, Stable, Barracks Unload: When you use a certain amount of your troops/spies, eg "just unloaded like half my troops on that guy" usually refers to unloading all troops though, 'full unload' PWARs: Plunder Wars, a war where only one side hits, to make ££, usually hitters forfeit so other side gets some pretty penny too =] EB: Epic Battle, The Clan Quests that were released as the PVE update Farming: Attacking the same person 6+ times within 24 hours A Thank you to previous build guides allowing me to easily access the plunder figures. ie Trevdude and dilly, this woulda taken ages without the work you had both previously done. PS this is my first post here, please be gentle Small edits made.
I really like it, good explanation, there were no BBcode errors, and you explain why. Like I said, STICKY!
Yay!! As soon as I learn how to upgrade it I'll make some of the fonts smaller so it fits better! Ty man
No, no sticky. You have two builds, they're both bad. All caths makes best money? Sorry, but you can't hit Ebs with that low attack, and they make best Money, and you're not dependent on people GIVING you money Forges and defense towers? No defense towers. ever. No Get pots, way more worth it in the long run, and the short run. and forges make wonderful money.
Also, sorry farming is attacking someone say, hourly, or every ten minutes. if I hit you 15 times im unloading on you, I'm not targeting you. I hit you that one unload I don't plan on hitting again, I'm not farming.
I did mention cath build has to stick to pwar and low level eb, Also mentioned that forge plus tower is a very low plunder build and not meant for growing
Yes... But pwar/low level EBs doesn't make as much money as higher level EBs... Also you don't reccomend towers AT ALL. Ever. towers are for very specific use
He's saying towers for beginners. Which is reasonable because you only get farmed at the beginning stages of the game