This is a sign-up for my new story, T.S.T. It'll take place in the future. All I need to know about you character is: Name Age Height Bio (optional)
-Can't post in two days , have school then after two days- Name: Elissa Cousland Height: 4'3 Bio: She is the remainning heir to the throne, Her family and others in the castle she knows only as home were slaughtered. She vows revenge on Rendon Howe, the new Arl of Denerim, former Arl of her castle and Arling of A far away city she has forgotten the name of. With Cousland Castle in HighEver taken over, Howe is her new mortal enemy. Race: Human Noble Origin: human Family (maybe needed but will add just in case you want to mention them some way or another): Fergus Cousland -Brother,Dead Teryn Bryce Cousland(Teryn Cousland)-father,dead Unknown-mother,dead Title(s)how people address her) My Lady-as she is a teryn's daughter
Name: Aurelia deMont Nickname: Aura Age: 22 Gender: Female Height: 5"7 Bio: Aurelia was born in a big city. Her parents were killed by the bad guy (I don't remember his name) when she was 16 and she vowed to avenge them. She trained (idk what people use to fight) for years and now she believes she is ready to hunt him down and kill him, though it will be difficult on her own... I hope that you like her and tell me if you need anything else
Name: Patrick Age:14 Weapons: Scythe, armor(only I know how to kill with it) balaskis-.- Race: Human(terannoven has what benefits? Until I know I'm going with the good guys for a while) Preferred venue: dark places any where Power: Dark magic: Fades into shadows at will, can hide in black hole and make scythe appear out of mid-air. Bio: was Born near the castle. He Ran away from home at the age of 10 with his two brothers' scythes. He Survived off of deer meat in the woods behind a busy road until the fires came ripping all his last three years in half. Ever since he has been making money of of street performing. Descriptionatrick has one Blood red eye that is blind now after it was burned in an accident with hot metal at a Market when he was looking for food for the next five days. His hair is dirty blond with some colors of brown under the top layer. He wears a dark tunic with armor under it. His scythe is 7 Feet long with a 5 foot long crescent blade that curves half way down( at an angle). His left eye is blue as the sky. Allegiance: Dark
Wait I need to change things listening to the other comments-.- Name: Patrick Age:14 Weapons: Scythe, armor(only I know how to kill with it) balaskis-.- Race: Reaper Preferred venue: dark places any where Power: Dark magic: Fades into shadows at will, can hide in black hole and make scythe appear out of mid-air. Bio: was Born in a castle as a prince. He Ran away from home at the age of 10 with his families' scythes. He Survived off of deer meat in the woods behind a busy road until the fires came ripping all his last three years in half. Ever since he has been making money of of street performing. Descriptionatrick has one Blood red eye that is blind now after it was burned in an accident with hot metal at a Market when he was looking for food for the next five days. His hair is dirty blond with some colors of brown under the top layer. He wears a dark tunic with armor under it. His scythe is 7 Feet long with a 5 foot long crescent blade that curves half way down( at an angle). His left eye is blue as the sky. Allegiance: Dark Additional information:has a very dark personality after hearing what happened to his throne Looks for his "dead" mom and lost sister not even knowing there names