system wars vs estoc wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -BREEZY-, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. The big complaints about estoc wars are matchups and dev restrictions put in place trying to improve matchups. Here's an idea: put ee mechanics and mith rewards in system wars. Let clans choose when and who they war.

    It seems to me that it would be much easier to implement system war restrictions to prevent guys from farming their alts for mith than it would be to create perfect matchups for 50 clans all signing up at the same time. And I know clans would appreciate not being forced into cookie cutter molds and dropping bfa to get matches.

    If this were to happen, here's some ideas that I think would be good:

    1) eliminate dtw/dts in wars. If someone wants to bring a knife to a gunfight, let them.

    2) mith rewards should be heavily influenced by opposing clans atk pot usage, mith usage, and prestige.

    3) don't alter effects of bfa

    4) give clans options to select duration of war, # of participants, etc. Maybe even ko times, and rules.

    That's all I got for now. Troll away. :)
  2. No already happened. Was like pwars but instead of gold mith
  3. Shayne, you don't think restrictions could be implemented to prevent abuse and still give clans the freedom this would offer?
  4. Lol sound like a gun fight
  5. They could but there always will be those people who will look and look for days to find a way to cheat the system.
  6. It just seems like giving clans system war options would be appreciated and generate more wars. --> more xtals, dev revenue.

    As it is now, system wars are used about as often as allies chat.
  7. Breezy- with clans choosing who to war, they could basically destroy the other clan, win mith and ee, and the other clan destroys them the next time. Red paladin equip would become commonplace and estoc wars would be meaningless. It would begin another era of plunder wars except with mith.
  8. @twilight

    As I said, there will need to be regulations in place to keep people from abusing the system. I'm sure it would be easier to regulate than say getting all of laws warring clans to drop builds, drop bfa, and get between 28-32 players to war at 3:00 PST.
  9. Laws = kaws
  10. I vote eliminating both and osw :cool:
  11. Or they would have to choose from rival list.
  12. Excellent idea caribou. Thank you
  13. Easily abused and would take the exclusivity out if the moth equip. No support
  14. Open the roster and let things go crazy....
  15. Or we could just take away ebs, inactives, and noobs. Then we could all osw
  16. I love DRAGONS !