System Wars: How to choose a clan to challenge

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llIlI_LR-RIPPER_IllII, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. 1.) Know Thyself
    A.) You must be aware of the activity of your members, their active times, their war experience, etc.
    B.) How many HLBC players do you have? How many spies? How many midlevel players?
    C.) Add up the stats of all of your participating members and rate them on their skill level
    D.) How many friends (mercs) do you know that are willing to come and fight with your clan?
    2.) Know Thy Enemy
    A.) You can find clans to war under clan –search –rival clans. You can also look at clans you have warred in the past, check their war history and find an opponent that way.
    B.) Once you have found a clan that looks promising, read their clan info. If it states “We love to merc and strip farm” – then move on to the next clan.
    C.) Look at their members. This is very important. First, look at their number one, look at the allies that they have and give them a scout. Now, go down the list. The top ten to twenty are the most important.
    D.) What to look for in members:
    a) compare the number of hlbc players, the number of spies, how your mid-level players compare to theirs. Remember when I said to add up the stats of your clan – now do it with theirs and see if it is equal, if it isn’t- do you have friends that can make up for the disparity?
    b) Check their allies- do they all have large allies?
    c) Do they have all of the pro packs?
    E.) Once you have determined that the clan is evenly matched with yours, go look at their war history. Have they been in many wars? What is their prestige rating? Did they win their last war by 300 trillion and have 7 leaderboard players in the clan? ( that means move on to the next clan)
    3.) Know How to Negotiate
    Next, sometimes clan info tells you who to wall if interested in a war, do so. If it doesn’t specify, wall the owner. Ask them for a ss of their current ranking. Agree to rules, such as mercs, stripping, and lock roster. Agree to the length of the war.

    I’m sure that I have missed some important steps, but this is a basic outline. I have seen a need for this information time and again. If anyone has anything to add, please feel free. However, please do not denigrate me for my opinion on how to scout for war targets. This is my process (sometimes I skip steps cause I’m so awesome I count myself as at least three hlbc attack builds). I have never lost a system war where I scouted the opposing guild. I hope this helps 
  2. Hmm. I'm posting. Because I can.
  3. Not bad 
  4. You might include some types of war strategies (hit from pin, war code, self pin, strip). If you edit.
  5. I'll be doing a series of threads on war topics. Hopefully, a mod will eventually condense them into one super-thread
  6. I like it. Very informative. Obviously I'm too lazy to do the maths myself but I know who to ask. Lol. Looking forward to the next installment. Thanks belle :D