System War Guide Welcome to my guide people new to the war , I know there is a guide to system wars already, but this one is a little more simplified for the people who hate reading So let's get started shall we? Ok, so first you need a clan to have a war from, if you are not in a clan, apply to one or create one. It costs 3 billion gold or 100 nobility points to make one. Ok, so you are in a clan or own one. You can now search any clan and declare war on them of they are not already in an epic battle or in a system war with another clan. So when you go to declare war on a clan, there are three different options for times Skirmish: 12 hour war This type of war starts in 4 hours, and the opposing side has 2 hours to either accept/reject the challenge Battle: 24 hour war This battle war starts in 8 hours if accepted The opposing clan has 4 hours to either accept the war, or reject it War: 48 hour war This type of war starts in 16 hours, and the opposing side has 8 hours to accept it Ok, so now you are in this war with your clan and you might be getting the crap beat out of you. Well, there is some pre-preparation that has to happen. Pre war Preparation One word. Potting. You NEED pots for war. If you don't have pots for war, you will never win Depends on how heat this war will be as to how many pots you need. Friendly war with a brother clan or friend: 1-2 thousand of each pot War to settle an argument: 3-5 thousand of each pot All out war because your clans really really hate each other:5-10 thousand of each pot Allies If you are in a strip war, allies might not be the best solution to banking your money, put it into attack pots Osf's and Hansel's, I VERYx900,000,000 do not advise putting money into allies, you will be stripped while asleep and the gold will be farmed out of you. Also osf's, you will not be able to be attacked if you do not have gold out, so don't buy allies for war Pinning Ok, now you are ready for war and in the heat of battle, you are getting attacked and the gold you have out is rapidly disappearing. There is a better way to war than having all your troops there at once. It's called Playing from Pin. When you play from a pin, you have very little troops. Under 20% of them to be exact. To find how many troops you have when pinned, take the number of troops you have when you have all of your troops, and multiply that number by 0.2 Then, attack a quest, till your troop amount reaches close to or that level or potentially that number. Now no one can attack you, but you can attack other people and use attack pots to win against your opponent. This also works with your spies, except people can still scout you. For hansel's I recommend pinning your troops and using pretty much just your spies. Clan Chat When in a war, off system or not, an active clan chat us very important. For war you need to report all incoming hits and all hits you are giving out The stereotypical way to report hits you are giving out is: Number of successful actions/number of times tried/number of pots burned type of attack Np (no pin) p then time (pinned) Example: J3ite_Me 9/6/4 atk p:34 Also pay attention to when different people are hitting you, you will be able to find out when someone is sleeping and strip them Stripping Stripping is where you hire an opponents allies when they are asleep and take there gold War Do's and Don'ts Don't tell people that you are going to sleep in cc, who knows, there might be a spy in your clan Don't post on walls or forums, it can help the other side figure out when you're asleep Do stay up late at night for the war๎ (optional) Do be active and talk in cc Don't join the war before it starts, only join when you can be on for long periods of time Mithril Spells and Mithril You can earn Mithril by winning wars, if you own all 25 lowlands, you can upgrade your castle and unlock the alchemist which will allow you to cast spells, these spells cost you mithril Spells can hide your allies, or give you bonuses to help you attack people, I am not going to go into that much detail on this though That is my guide, I hope it helps you all with a system war.