System war question?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by X__Icarium__X, Jul 21, 2012.

  1. Hi,
    Is system ear winner determined by total plunder or total plunder divided by number of players in each clan?
  2. Ear(War)
    Total plunder.
  3. Ok thanks, so we are losing 
  4. Looks like you're in a mwar. it'd be sad to lose it.
  5. Was in systeme war and moved to a mwar 
  6. In before lock.
  7. In while it's 
  8. Yes icarium and
  9. You won't catch up sorry accidentally posted early
  10. ^ :lol: it so true
  11. Cheese, look at the thread date....
  12. How can you have 6 Mil CS