The Mp's have voted for airstrikes against Syria 397-223, Do you think this is bad? Are you supporting it? Any opinions can be said, Personally im happy with it because i dont think nothing major will come of this unless Turkey get involved then it could get bigger and worse
This game is global and the majority of the player's countries are probably already commencing air strikes in Syria. The fact that the UK has just started airstrikes is almost irrelevant. I agree that airstrikes must happen in order to show a 'united front' against IS, yet I can't help but fear another repeat of the Russian-Turkey incidence. More important than airstrikes is also the question of will replace Assad and how we will convince Russia he shouldn't be in power. After IS defeat... They will probably just be replaced by another group.
Uneducated. Syria=/=ISIS. It's not saving anything. It's creating collateral damage. Negligible loss because we aren't them. Nor will we understand until we are them. ISIS may not have the right reasons, but they sure as hell aren't any different from what anybody else is doing.
Yes, I can see France blowing up food stalls outside football games etc.. See, the thing about ISIS is, bombing them WONT work. The only way to beat them is to cut their recruitment and block them into a certain area, the problem with that is, how do you know who's who?
Mh i'm sceptical. Yes, air strikes are necessary but imo it won't solve the problem. you can't overcome fanatism with violence, it doesnt work like this. people who lose their homes due to bombings will just hate the bombing states and maybe support IS off that. not saying thats what is going to happen, just worried about the possibility.
In war, bombing without ground forces is at best an irritant. Bombing should be used as a supply line destroyer, close air support with effective ground troops. None of this however will work with a terrorist grouo
No, what France did in retaliation is in a way, far worse, far more callus and merciless. However, no one is in the right, and the degrees by which we are wrong, ideally, should not apply. Bombs are not the right answer- unfortunately, I, nor anyone else it seems, has the right answer. Unfortunate.
I disagree, as long as the bombs all hit their intended targets then I fail to see how they did anything wrong. Anyone that joins ISIS knows they may well be killed, no one goes to a football game, a theatre, a restaurant and expects to die.
Here's the thing, bombs do not discriminate. They will murder more innocent civilians than anything else. We see an attack and say "This is outrageous! Something must be done!" Which is true. But our power leaders say "We will do something! We will drop bombs on them and kill them all so we can be safe!" To which we say "Good! So.ething is being done!" What we don't think about is that if they knew where to drop bombs, they would have done so a long time ago. Now they are doing something g just so we know they are doing something. When will be stop saying "Something needs to be done" and instead say "The right thing needs to be done" The right thing to do is not mass destruction. I do not want bombs dropped on my hospitals, schools, libraries, government buildings. What makes us better than the Syrians?
ISIS does not go to work in their skyscrapers labeled "ISIS" for us to pinpoint obliterate. The bombs are not intended. They are carpeting the cities, killing thousands of people who live in more fear than we do.
So another country votes for violations of a sovereign nation and a committed act of war. Unless of course they have been invited by Syria. Why must Assad go? He was voted in office by the people, the elections were under watch of 50 nations so they would be legitimate. Unless of course you wanna help Qatar get that pipeline built that is planned to run thru Syria but Assad said no back in 2011. Syria should shoot every plane that violates it's airspace.
No one is going to get serious about it, so there's really no point to bombing. -USA wants to use ISIS to weaken Assad -Russia wants ISIS to weaken Turkey -Iraq wants ISIS to weaken both Turkey and Syria, and is allowing Iran to be their military Both Russia and Turkey want control of the arab oil and gas pipelines No one cares about the refugees because they're mainly Sunni (which is the majority of ISIS) The Jews are exodusing from France and Belgum The Christians are hiding outside of the refugee camps because of the hostile Islamists in the UN camps Its a big cluster bomb that is going to set off WW3. All the elements of WW1 and WW2 are already present
This is the dumbest thing I've heard all day. ISIS isn't doing any different from what anybody else is doing? Ya I see a lot of people posting videos of beheadings and claiming suicide bomber attacks. The point is, you're wrong and confused but so are they.
Whilst I agree that it's a probability that some civilians are going to die from them, we are 30+ years past blanketing cities. Unless you care to cite your proof. Also, know anyone else that's destroying historic monuments because they don't agree? Beheading people? Letting children hold the heads of decapitated people?