Sweet spot

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by plot200, May 6, 2012.

  1. How do I find the sweet spot at fod? The 8/5 rule doesnt work so how can I find it without it?

  2. just keep the bars roughly even and check every 5-10%.
  3. Facepalm/ it's easy to obtained the sweet spot in FoD!

    Just make sure to do 5 locusts on red bar/holy wrath/angels of light 8 times on the blue bar (keep them even) then once ya done that test by assassinating if fail redo those items and test again by assassinating if fail keep going till an success appears but ya have to be quick cause godmode activates in 8 minutes then ya have to wait till the 8 minutes is done then you have 8 minutes to kill the bar to 0,

    This is the easiest way ever.
  4. Or hit bars to 0% let it regain and test.
  5. King that's for those clans that just wants it killed!

    But doing it this way it's easier cause the sweet spot can open straight away or just do a bit of work and ya
  6.  that's the easiest way
  7. easiest = most time consuming.
  8. Bull **** it's roughly the same time.
  9. if the sweet spot is at 95% it isn't. i used to be able to find the sweet spot in less than 3 minutes, unless i got locked out. how is waiting for the regen quicker than that?
  10. It's not always at 95% and sitting and watching the last stage get screwed up in several clans. I find it to be faster and it let's every body feel like they got a better bonus.
  11. we ran back to back fod at black star *a pause for my now defunct clan* and only rarely had any problems. after we kicked/farmed a few people, the rest of the sword hunters learned that we were serious when we said "no items".

    so...i guess if your clan lacks discipline, just spam it down to zero and then go watch pron while you wait for the bar to come back. but if you clan isn't a bunch of mindless fucktards that never reads cc, you should try doing it right instead. no offense, a1. just how i feel about the method.
  12. Rofl its all opinion no need to get your panties n a bunch. And we don't have any issues with people screwing it up. We do it that way so everybody has a go at items. People like items