Sweet Dreams Recruitment - Thread Redone

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Bete_, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. Hey all :) I know JtBlack made a thread earlier regarding our recruitment and there were a few comments regarding making this thread better. So here is my shot :) Hope it helps!

    About us:

    We are a pretty friendly clan. We try to help our members as much as we can and we're always telling them little tips to help them enrich their playing experience. We have taught new players how to get to Max Plunder and how to build their kingdoms so that they can get the most money etc etc.

    1. We do have two OSFs that open pretty much all the time. So that is free money right there. And no taxes on it either! Which makes it all the more sweeter ;)
    2. Like I mentioned above, we do help players out. So we will help you grow bigger and well, if you're already big, join in on the fun.
    3. Our CC is pretty fun at times. Our conversations range from mild to full blown silly. I think I remember someone mentioning they liked it when their women "squawked."
    4. We don't really encourage farming because it always leads to problems. However if you are farmed, we will protect you.
    5. In the event that you are farmed, we usually try to talk out something, see if that works, and if it doesn't, then we resort to farming back.

    6.Hmmm...if I give away all the goodies now, you won't want to join! :O

    A few pictures I'd like to share. I'll admit that we aren't exactly the strongest on the leaderboard, but we are building our way up there. (If I can figure it out...:p)



  2. Waiting for pics