Swabia's guide to war - Basics

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Swabia2, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. Distance made a pretty good war guide, but none of the noobs I've pounded lately have read it. I thought I'd gloss over the BASICS so you have a place to start.

    Basically if you want to defend yourself (or your clan) from bullies like me you have a couple options:

    1) The attack button- use some pots too on your attack. Fighting real opponents is tax free and those who carry large $$ in allies pay great. Who cares if you pay 20m a hit to spank a guy if he pays 44m a hit per win? If your opponent is too strong weaken them up first with a bigger player or with successful assassinations.

    Keep in mind that stats are calculated thus:
    Your current attack value based on troops left times your achievement bonuses plus your pots plus a portion of your allies stats ranked against your opponents defense done the same way.

    2) spies-
    A) Stealing is great if you've actually stripped or partially stripped a player. That's the only way to assure you're taking $$ from them. The more money they have up the more you steal per hit (also a %) don't steal me for days without stripping or you're only burning a minimum of pots. Steal actions use more spies than assassinates or Scouts.

    B) scouts- Just a big fact here kids, if you scout me 10x you burn 0 pots. It costs me nothing except wasted potential income from spies or spies I would have used on you. Assassinate me instead so you burn some pots. Don't be silly and waste our time.

    C) assassinates- this is the best option for pot burn. Even if your opponent is way stronger than you you can dial in your pots on the attack side to be sure to burn all 9 of theirs.

    Ok, a few other things to keep in mind that I'll reiterate from my previous posts on distance's thread.

    1) sustain attack and spy actions when burning pots. It's hard for people to maintain a double pot load. It will make it easier once you break either spy or attack side.

    2) If you strip and fail try again every 6 hours. No one can withstand that unless they're a super-pro. If they are you wouldn't be warring them anyhow.

    3) Get multiple players from different continents on them. It makes it harder for them to sustain. I've noticed that once we had to go a week on a guy before we broke him, but now I see perhaps 3 players take a guy down in days. This was once a very difficult feat when spies stole 10x more than they do now. This is why the vets say KaW isn't what it once was.

    4) let's get this out of the way now... trolling my guide gets you my attention. Maybe I'll find you funny. Maybe I'll buy someone a clan if they farm you for a week. Make sure you make it worth it if you wanna play funny guy.
  2. Second and good guide
  3. Great as always Swabia.
  4. Umm good guide i guess but if someone is besiegeing u for weeks this or any guide cant help you because they dont stop.
  5. Unicorn, this is a basics guide.... You may want to read the longer version that Distance wrote where many long time players added additional info on how to survive that sort of thing.

    For my first year of play I was at constant war all but 4 weeks. Look at my losses and compare them to your local osf and you'll see I'm not fooling around here.
  6. Whats the exact name of distances guide
  7. I wish I was as good at war as Swabia.
  8. Lol, nice Wilson...

    Just saying I miss real war. I fought Fox Alliance and NAG with you and nothing is left that wants a piece of us.

    I think the 2 week blackout of EB and war system each year suggestion I made to Devs should be instituted so clans like PE and ZiG or Wftt could have their way with people and build up a war community again.
  9. Ok. Not that I'm calling you a noob Swabia... But did you just make a guide to war? In which in this.. No offense pathetic "it really doesnt teach anything expect to the plethora of PW noobs" guide you show next to nothing?

    The noobs that can't figure war out never will. JS.

    What's worse yet is people say this is good 3:

    What yet even worse is you know half of the clans on KaW will use this as ALL of their knowledge on war.
  10. Swab. Apologizes for double post.

    Wanna fight?
  11. The only real way to learn how to war on KaW is to experience it. Tactics are always changing. Even if you were in the old wars of the past doesn't mean you still know how to war (even though you will bounce back quickly). Swabs is just tired of it being so easy to beat on people that have twice his stats. This basic info will hopefully help in that.
  12. It really won't -.-"
  13. Love it ! Would
    Like to see the link to the guide you mentioned for easy finding ...

    But ya ... Yer dead on
  14. Wilson is right. I am an unpaid account and I beat on people who paid for stats. It's silly.
  15. Thanks for giving something back Swabia. If more legendary players are willing to pass on info to beginners, kaw can only get better and more exciting.
    There are many players who don't understand game mechanics after years of playing. More quality info Plz