This is... Hello! And welcome to The Beach House's clan recruitment/Broadcast thread! History Both BeachGoddess and Swbi have the philosophy that clans are a place to chill with no drama, a get away from home. So, on July 26, 2014 - The duo decided to make the clan, The Beach House, which still stands today. (After around three months.) The clan is lead by it's Kahunas and run by it's senior life guards. Khaunas - BeachGoddess Swbi Lil-Mama_Heather Life guards - SwbiComplaint Dept NetherEnforcer HotMaKArtist Col-M Bogger KattD Rules Here are just a few rules the life guards would like for you to follow while you splash around. The Beach House runs EBs like TSG/Haunts, so, stop on by to party and make gold! Now accepting 6M cbs applicants and remember....The life guards are watching..
Most clans fail in their first few weeks as do to: A) Inactive leadership B) No one joining This clan is still kicking...So, yeah. For what they do, I'd call them pros.
Haha thanks it looks great! Yup we chillin it up MK in our bday suits and towels! Cold margaritas and all the relaxation in paradise AkA Home for some :-*Surfin the waves care free