Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -KingConquer-, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. My proposal:
    As we know America runs as a DEMOCRACY .
    Why not make a SUPREME KAW COURT?
    We pick 5 VETERANS that support OUR views(the peoples) and they propose it to the DEVS, this way the devs WONT be bombarded by NOObS and random people  and IGNORE the people interests.

    Kaw abortions: higher the percentage of GOLD in which WE get when we DROP and ally SUCH as 80%.
    NEW player BOARD: make A LIST OF new players so we can HIRE them and to SEE who might need HELP to get them started,

    WHY do we need a supreme KAW COURT?
    = for us to GET our MESSAGE to the devs in a demoCRATIc way , there will be arguements in both sides, and the JUDGES will decide the verdict and submit it to DEvS if the proposal is deemed worthy, MOST likely The DEVS will listen to high RANKING veterans such as "DILLYBAR" than a bunch of little NOOBIES.
    This is my IDEA, tell me what you think. :)
  2. Is this dillybar in disguise 
  3. Lol "America runs as a democraty"
    They lie and you trust them

    Fail thread
  4. Spell democracy right before you mock it... Idiot.
  5. America is a democratically elected representative republic. A true democracy is mob rule which is a bad thing. Example. Three wolves and a sheep vote on whats for dinner.
  6. He mentioned my name :p
  7. It's just silly to think that the devs care what any of you think. Have they EVER went back on an update? Your voice doesnt matter in the least to the devs. Get over it and play or quit..
  8. They did. The hire/drop button.
  9. Btw brootal not everyone on KaW is in America. Many people are not, actually.
  10. The U.S has a democrocy look how that ended up
  11. USA is a republic not democracy it is a democratic republic but not a democracy government
  12. Omg look at these negative people.
  13. And btw that was not the point, so stfu:)
  14. This is more of a one-house congress than a supreme court. And they can't overrule the devs' veto.
  15. @103048: ru talking about the longest lasting current govt in the world? AMERICA!
  16. A kaw court ha ha what a joke only mods can run em 
  17. Lol. KaW Court. I thought it was a dating site you wanted to setup. Lol

    Yepp, courting is democratic, unless both sides agree, you ain't going no where. Lol