Guys, i suck at making thread so yea. This is just a thread to make a suggestion. Okay, so you guys seen moose nfl forum game right? Im thinking of making a similar game based on FIFA WORLD CUP BRAZIL 2014. This is how you play. You predict the score before the match, if its exactly the same, you win some kind of prize. Maybe a xtal or 2?? But if you predict the way they score, you get a bonus. I'll talk more bout the game if there's enough support ! PeAcE
No support not kingdoms at war related, so winners shouldn't get Xtals, use allies an the winner gets gold from Ops personal collection,loser pays Op from there personal collection o but wait this simulates gambling on a free to play kids game,so umm No
Too easy soccer matches lucky not to end 0-0. Football (the real kind) is much harder to predict scores. No support
Love it! Football (the non-American kind) surely is the biggest sport outside of North America! Personally I'm not much of a footie fan, however let's face it-there's something about the Euro and World Cups that actually drag us into it, waking at silly o'clock to support whatever team we have adopted as our home teams have been knocked out already!! I totally support the idea ofsome kind of an event around this-a FAR better idea than the NFL event where only North Americans stood a chance!! iphi
Great Is supported all over and a great chance for everyone outside the merican bubble to earn some prizes's not that I don't support this, it's just I have no clue about football(soccer). Does the USA even compete in the World Cup?