Support me to become KAW moderator

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Saurabh-Shrivastava, Dec 2, 2013.

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  1. Hello KAW.
    Support me to be an honorable part of KAW as KAW MODERATOR.
    There are many indian players who generally have a habbit to talk in Indian language,hindi.
  2. You are a cute tiger so sure
  3. You just lost your chance... Grats
  4. I will do the complete opposite. Free of charge!
  5. Exactly as Narwhal said
  6. Ok 2 things here, not meaning to be rude:

    A) Posting a thread asking for support to be a mod is NOT allowed, as per the mod app rules.


    B) ampersand get you?
  7. Ok 2 things here, not meaning to be rude:

    A) Posting a thread asking for support to be a mod is NOT allowed, as per the mod app rules.


    B) ampersand get you?
  8. Xilver u lying piece of... I mean go to the wedding thread u lier
  9. You guys must be ******** me.

    It is completely obvious that a lot of time and effort was put into this thread.
    At least you can support? Not like it will make a difference in the dev's eyes, but I sincerely believe that the OP deserves Modship. CuteTiger definitely deserves it over the thousand others looking for Modship.


    Childish people these days, won't even help a cute tiger in distress...
  10. Support.

    Anyone that's OP's size and hasn't even reached level 4 loyalty( active for 30 days?) deserves to be mod.
  11. OP threatened me and told me not to farm her ally...

    Which I never did.

    Anyway, maybe you should earn a legendary reputation, gather a horde of fanatic followers, start massive, earth-shattering debates, and THEN petition for mod.

    It just might work.


    Wait, I mean Waln-

    No, wait...

    GladiatorWalnut. Yes. Forgot my own name.
  12. Jeeez guys! OP is a noob that's more than obvious but come on! You got to throw a few more sentences before saying no.
  13. Not to hard now a days with hte, espically with the Black Friday sale
  14. You mean that he/she should be more like me?
    If so, then you're correct.
  15. Um...

    Yeah, yeah, sure, that's exactly what I meant...
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