Warning: May contain spoilers. Be well into season 10 before venturing into this thread. Now that that's out of the way, hello forums. Its me, your least favorite Angelic jerk, with a new kind of thread never before seen in the kaw forums. Supernatural Specifically, the 200th episode that aired tonight (and is still going as I type this). What did you think? Personally, I loved it. Deans face throughout the episode, his general dislike of everything he saw was hilarious. Although I've now reached the end, and the sudden appearance of Chuck has left me with way too many questions. Come on fangirls, and you fanboys as well. Share your thoughts with Cas.
If you don't know, you have entered the wrong place. And it is quite possibly the best TV show I will ever watch.
You're half right. Well, less half now that they've "cured" the issue. Although the writers have shown that they hate fans, they'll definitely not have the cure last much longer. Its not supernatural if fangirls hearts aren't crushed.
I've heard others say the same, and after seeing Chuck just appear, I'm inclined to believe it. When people just appear in spn, somethings up with them.
And in the end i think dean will learn to control himself as a deamon like cain can. Possibly with cains help. They will kill crowley dean ends up king of hell. Cas will get his grace back and reign in heaven.
Not only did he disapeer there was another profit after him. Seeing as how chuck is still alive and there can only be one profit at a time chuck was never a profit