superheros unite

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *hulkzord (01), Nov 27, 2012.

  1. your in a middle school lab then some clumsy bully spills his formula all over you and I mean all of utter not a drop all green and smooth but always drip everytime you step it goes schrich,,schrich,glup,glup the teacher says "you'll be fine just wash it off." but you ignore him about washing it when you get in the cafeteria you and your friends start to give high fives it spreads to them then you and your amazed by your powers then you unite to be superheros. superheros unit to join fill in this skelly:
    superhero name:
    what you look like:
    what your costume looks like:
  2. oh two mistakes Ill fix them
  3. I meant all over not utter
  4. I forgot too put in not a drop left
  5. and forgot to put in you after all over
  6. Please please make this better spelled and set up. Also make it make more sense then maybe, maybe I might consider considering joining a role play but only if it's actually good and well landed out and formatted
  7. *sigh*

    You know a thread fails when the entire front page is the OP's post, and their's only one page. Try again**. And get your thoughts organized.

    **(By try again, I mean in 5 days. A thread should take a while to make, with the effort to be put into it.)