Summer Wars: Anyone see a pattern developing here.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -DREG-, Jul 15, 2012.

  1. Funny how a lot of these wars end at the 12hr mark. When 12hr wars were suggested people just pointed out more would be able to participate if it covered all timezones.

    Looks like at best, no more then what? 20 clans are even involved!!!

    So, just my opinion, summer wars are a great idea to get more interested in system wars again. Her are some ideas I've sent to developers before:

    -12hr WAR PERIOD
    auto join, no forfeit
    system will arbitrarily select warring period.
    Warring system would match up potential opponents as currently used in summer wars.
    matched opponents and tournament open to all clans in a tiered system.

    Developers need to develop and adhere to an unexploitable system I reward. Something not for sale and gives an advantage from warring. If this is a gaming system where opponents are selected via algorythems, it would be harder to exploit.

    On another note, just wanted to congratulate all participants in the first tournament series. There are plenty of worthy opponents battling. Good luck to all
  2. Stopped short because I don't want to ramble on. Just some thoughts that I think could help move this game towards primarily wars instead of just ebs 24/7.
  3. Support 
  4. No one said you have to eb?
  5. Good money strategy lol.
    Buy crystals and crystal party off the bat. Then majority ff becauSe they are behind. I think ming bar is doing this
  6. All your ideas are good, I like the different tier idea a lot, as every week since release the wars have been dwindling.
    Only 10 wars in total this week, that's a terrible turn out, 20 clans out of 200, something has to be done to tear people away from eb's during war time.
  7. Ive participated in 2 of the wars. And I'm not participating in anymore until the final lmao. I don't see the point wasting more mith just for a bit of inferno.
  8. Val: never said we had to eb.

    The key word is primarily. Just thought that if a war system had some reward comparable to eb's (random drop of gold or whatever) it may help turn to more wars.

    We mostly eb to earn gold or items. Before it was pwars. Before that we were fortunate if we had an osf in clan dropping pots. 
  9. I've only been able to war one weekend due to work. Start time is always in the middle of my work hours. If the times varied, I may be able to war more.

    When I started playing this game, we warred almost every weekend. It was required and I got hooked because of that. Even when the pwar era started, we always went to merc in wars. I'd just like to see kaw get back to that.

    Now ebs provide pots and items so we have a better chance to hit higher they have become part of the game. The mechanics changes have helped somewhat also. Just hope developers can work on warring facets that can include any willing players to be and get involved. 
  10. The main problem is clans forfeiting when they drop a little behind, the system favours the early leader, open strong then pin and keep the initial lead.
    All the top clans will stay awake for the full 24hr duration so mixing up the start time would be a good idea, even only an hour or two delay would shake it up a little.

    Clans lose heart being behind at the 12hr mark, even a small lead may end up being ff, even though i'v seen big leads being eaten up in the last few hours, if they knew they couldn't ff it would give them more to fight for.
  11. Panic: I see ur point and respect most the posts I see u make. The mechanics are build in such a way that if opponent is pinned there is no plunder to gain.

    It's unfortunate but is part of the basic mechanics. Those that can fight from pin and exploit the opponents opens win the war for the most part. Take the lead and maintain it.

    Not certain how developers can change that part of the game but I'm sure I they did, we would all adapt to survive. I'm open to anything to promotes KAW and wars. 
  12. On another note:

    Mithril and special pots used should be base reward in addition to plunder/action reward for Summer Tournament.
  13. You touch on some good notes there.

    I disagree with the auto join feature completely. It defeats the purpose of Strategy in war, and creates auto turtle wars.

    That's why matches are ff at 12hour's all turtle war, and nobody wants to waste their whole Saturday logging onto KAW every 5-10 minutes making sure they are staying pinned.

    Adding Aqua and Inferno to the mix of rewards for the tourney really isn't a draw at all. War is time consuming and costly. You're better off hitting an eb and buying it yourself. Reward for war needs to be something not attainable by any other means...That was the original intentions of Mithril, but due to it going on sale multiple times and people hoarding it up like WW3 is coming, Mithril quickly lost the appeal it had. And since they Nerf the war tax in order to compensate for the Mitrhil payout, the gold made doesn't cover the gold spent to war. IMO the war system needs an overhaul all together, not just the war tourney.

    Another problem lies with the fact this wasn't done in a closed beta. They just opened it up to the masses and ran one day of it as a trial. They didn't have players that understand the dynamics of war giving direct feedback to the personnel behind kaw_admin.

    What should happen, with the recent announcement of Tier 5 coming out is to expedite the War Tourney. ATA has put themselves in somewhat of a pickle...

    -Release t5 before war tourney ends and completely kill it.

    - Wait til War tourney is over to release T5, but that makes the upcoming EBs something that we possibly can't complete without the new tier therefore delaying the release of the new EBs. Not to mention that shortly after War Tourney ends, it will be All-Star War time and a release that close to the ASW will cause mass chaos.

    Not sure what's going to happen, but I don't think the process of releasing all these current updates and updates to come was all that well thought out.
  14. In my opinion..ata should give rewards that cannot be purchased or get in ebs so that it will encourage more people in warring.
    Just for example,players stay up for the war and in the end, the rewards can be easily bought from the marketplace thus it will discourage players to continue with the war when they are losing abit of plunder.
    Hope u consider my suggestion.
  15. I agree with all the PRO responses. System War should be rewarded with unobtainable items and rewards that EB's and marketplace cannot provide. The only issue is how do you protect these from exploitation and fake wars. Therefore the matching idea of like clans could work to eliminate that exploitation. This is a great starter and one forum post I'll follow. I would like to see this idea taken further by the devsSo SUPPORT.
  16. The most discouraging part of summer wars are the clans who have 20-30 fighters and 20-30 filler accounts.... Check the bottom of the rosters and you will fine multiple new accounts with 300 combined stats.
    This completely ruins the point of 50 person clan. And also how does a clan of 35 players make the top 200 anyway????
  17. @Kraven

    You're spot on here, I was intending to join another summer war but since they released news of T5 coming out there is no way I'm taking time out to war for 24hrs.
    I'll be saving like crazy to put up some T5's, they chose a terrible time to release news of this release. They WILL release them before the end of the summer war, the All Stars are much more important to ATA, so this new T5 update will be out for the All Stars.

    Only 10 wars this week, out of a possible 100, only 20 clans took part, that's very bad.
  18. Hopefully good ideas and suggestions come from this thread. I'm not trying to say my ideas are best but have always noticed more input improves and idea.

    I agree entirely with the reward being something only obtainable thru the warring system. When mithril first became the reward it was exploited until they fixed the mechanics during mwars. Then warring and earning mithril, gave us a tactical advantage until they decided to sell for gold.

    As far as fighting from pin (turtle war), is nothing new but wasn't the standard per-pwar era. It was necessary at times but most players tried fighting with higher troop levels for more plunder. Maybe the fight mechanics, during a "SYSTEM WAR" could be changed to make more of an advantage to fight high troops.

    Either way, fighting from pin is part of the current mechanics. It is an effective tactic but I agree is boring.

    Thanks for input on this thread. Maybe if we have enough practical and well thought out ideas, developers will see how the community can help enhance and grow this game more.

    Peace out 
  19. Look at :) I'm in a real system war :)