summer war test

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllllBlllllAllllllSlllllSlllll, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. So if you are in w clan in the war outside clans hitting would find you dtw. But if you hit clans outside the war it still works? So that means if you are in an osw and enter your clan in the war your whole clan is dtw and you can run strips on who ever you want? Please tell me if you hit outside the clan you are waring it is dtw for you as well.
  2. That's the question many have been asking so far no answer from the devs.
  3. If so I will enter war and send all spies and hits to outside osw enemy. Best advantage ever lol lame
  4. That's a pretty good strategy to be honest, but will they be stripping the osw or fighting a clan of similar strength?
  5. It's probably not the fault of devs. OSW weren't meant to be introduced , it's your dispute so handle it and it doesn't matter to anyone because many clans are not in osw .
  6. Lol no; a lot of clans are in an osw, just because it's not announced on forums doesn't mean there aren't any going on
  7. Don't you guys think that the opposing clan will make it hard to do that because, you know, they're just not gonna sit there and not hit you. It sounds easy but you still have a top 200 clan warring you.
  8. Not if we don't hit back and let them win with a few hits never know lots of alliance at war might get an alliance clan. Either way it seems easy fix you can't hit from outside or to a clan outside. Seems pretty simple
  9. Erm....summer war?

    I sure have missed a lot...
    And it's only been a few weeks.

  10. No one wants a loss on their home clans page!
  11. This is why the weekend will be a test all questions will be answered
  12. Wow, I think this will end OSW
    Because if a clan does the summer system war and is dtw to outside hits then the other clan who they are warring outside the system can enter on their own system war. Which results in a stalemate. No side able to hit each other.

    Reply on what you think
  13. It won't end them just prolong them. A little break... That is unless of course all the clans you are fighting fold into one clan sonthey can stay with in top 200 (gf) lol