suggestions for tier 6? hanzel

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Elric, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. Are (Epic) Hanzels worth it anymore?
  2. Yes. Those make the best farmers/merc and you are capable to do more than an all attack or hybrid build.
  3. Hansels are still worth it, yes.
  4. Mine only gets like 26m a hit though but he's not hblc yet. I started t6 w 4 highlands left
  5. Would it be worth it for me to convert my build to Hansel? And how would I go about it? Someone follow
  6. Uzing z inztead of s doez not make you cooler.
  7. @eddzie - don't destroy any T4 or above buildings. That's just going backward. However of you have any T3 or below, convert them to lvl4 guilds and just continue building guilds if you want the fastest way to HLBC.
  8. I think Hanzels are worth it. I've made like 70b with these lovely FoDs.