Right now I'm a heavy attack build. My goal is to rack up money through EBs like The Haunting. I'm wanting to know how should I modify my build to earn the most money with EBs? I'm not exactly looking to completely redo all I've done so far but to modify. As in, should I put a certain building in from now on instead of colonies. *I have been a guild hansel before twice and they do not make near as much money
I'm going to be real, idk I've only been a hansel but keep looking and your question will be answered happy kawing sir
Keep up with colonies, you just need to grow. Maybe put down a few volaries also, and if youre doing the Haunting, try not using your spies. That should increase your earnings. Put spies to inactive steal targets.
Stay as you are, you're good. Adding more spies than that will defeat the purpose of a heavy atk build and will hurt plunder, if anything delete the spy building, dont add more lol. To make more plunder say off of hte, atk only and skim (2 atk every 5min) and dont use spies. Only use spies as a heavy atk if your clan needs help to kill a big eb
As far as I know, there is no reason to not have a spy building. The extra 36 actions will net more plunder than one single attack build, and get you drops more often (if you think that it's based of actions, there's no solid proof as far as I know)
Defense heavy troop buildings yield marginally more plunder than balanced,so, if you don't mind losing a bit of raw CS in favor of more plunder, I'd suggest building some of these. Further, I have heard conflicting reports regarding the 'atk builds don't hit with spies' argument; that being said, my clan mates and I did a casual test with this on a ROTWB and found this to be false; albeit small, there is an increase in end plunder payout (perhaps this is untrue though for a larger number of actions and may even be varied from EB to EB.) That being said, the BEST way to increase plunder is to add a brand new building whenever possible. So, say you have 150 bil on hand and the choice to either upgrade a HF building to level 2 or add a new land and add another HF building in general, that level 1 building will increase plunder significantly more and is almost always the better option (until you start hitting the crazy high land costs of course.)
I'm going to drop my spy building an replace it with a COE, and see whether it actually raises my overall plunder.