I've played KaW almost since it started. I went inactive and played another ATA game for two years. I since returned to KaW and my formerly LCBC accts are tiny, as two new sets of lands have been added. You will never be build complete in this game, because the devs just add new lands that are prohibitively expensive - the epic battles don't pay nearly enough to supply reasonable funds for acceptable rates of growth. New players (and old who are re-starting) quickly become discouraged and quit. I don't have £5k+ to spend on a game, to pay to BC, and hire a few allies; even if I did, I wouldn't, it's against my principles. I would spend some money, if I saw the possibility of ever build completing and not having 25 new prohibitively expensive lands added to the game. Newer players have NO CHANCE of BC'ing without spending huge wads of real money, due to the exorbitant land and building costs you have put in place to occupy the already LCBC players. Solution? Devs, for LCBC players, add new EB's, tournaments and develop the Estoc war system further to keep these LCBC players engaged in playing: don't add more lands as a means of 'entertaining' them and retaining their patronage. If you do, soon the LCBC veteran players will be the only players remaining. In the meantime, provide reasonable means to achieve LCBC status to other players, who are not at that level already. Otherwise, you will continue to lose your new player base and KaW will go the same direction as FC & GaW: veteran players only, with plenty of regular and steady attrition, i.e. dying games. People become discouraged and quit playing, if they can never even hope to attain the level of those players already LCBC and on the LB, which is the way KaW is currently. You need to level the playing field, so noobs can have a fighting chance at 'equalising' with the veteran players via reasonable gameplay and effort. I really do hope you will take notice of this, Devs, and DO something about it, so you don't end up killing KaW, also.