Suggestion to fix up wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TweetyBird, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. There is a lot of talk about unbalanced matchups for EE wars and what should be done to fix it up. I war every week and notice there is a defender and challenger side.
    I would suggest that the weaker clan be made the defender. Being the defender would have additional benefits like in real wars.
    e.g. If you are on the defending team you are harder to attack and could have better advantages for attacks to. This could mean the whole clan could be cast with additional att and def stats which would be based on the degree they are outnumbered so it evens up the war. Just like giving them a stat boost so it evens it up. This would ensure that the war is fair and can be manipulated less than having extra crystals would etc.

    I also see there are a few wars which don't see the full length due to one side forfeiting when they lose. My suggestion would be to possibly either set aside an amount of mith for each person during the war(just like a deposit) and if they see the war through they get that mith back. This would make the forfeiting clan less likely to forfeit. Also if they do forfeit then that mith that was set aside for deposit gets calculated towards the winning clan increasing their payout and getting the deposit from the other team. I don't think its fair for a team who wins by forfeit not to get rewarded when they in fact receive less mith than they would if they warred for the 4 hours.
    Please let me know your thoughts!
  2. Support the ff idea