Suggestion to Devs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Your_Karma_Bill_Is_Due_Nooblet, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. been tossing this around a while.

    we need a gifting system or reward platform we can employ to award clan members.

    GIFTS: only allow one (1) gift to the recipient every 24-72 hours. only BE ABLE to accept gifts if you have not farmed in the last (7-30?) days to prevent extortion.

    AWARD SYSTEM: give clan owners an option to bestow gifting privileges to admins . They would then be allowed to Award members of the clan for reaching certain milestones. the awards could be NOB/XSTAL/INFERNO, AQUA/Mith or everyday items.

    All said rewards would still be supplied by admins/owners. (IE, if you don't have xstal you can't award it)

    I am fleshing this out and will post more shortly.
  2. i just want my mith back. there is no reason that thay needed to take all my mith after war.
  3. I understand your frustration . I am in the same boat after winning the war .
  4. I also know things happen and will wait to see what develops :)
  5. are you kidding me? extortion in kaw is the best :lol: :lol: just ask swabia
  6. Honestly I say no support.

    It can and will be abused!

    As for losing your mith, well thats part of warring.
  7. How would the game know if your were farmed?
  8. Lmao wut????? Just read the not being able to accept gives if farmed!!!?? Where did that type of rule come from the care-bear show?
  9. And in addition since "farming" is not an actual rule, I doubt anything will ever be restricted in this game for some one "farming" just saying.
  10. They could make a counter that kept track of non eb actions that took place against players outside a normal war environment . Very easy to track.
  11. Who cares if you got farmed dude.
    Certainly not the devs .-.
    They aren't gonna go this.
  12. True farming is not official , bit it could keep people for Forcing you to gift via threats
  13. It is really more of a device to give new players incentives to grow. I have seen to many give up due to outside hits . My intention was not to single out farming. What I want is a way to get peeps active in clans . We have all been in THAT clan where half the roster is dark all the time.
  14. You what this gifting will get? Items dropped from ebs that give nothing besides and achievement no stat difference or the like just an achievement.

    And to add to difficulty they will make some where you will need to pay to get them. Then after all is said and down they will switch kingdoms and buildings to dorm and dormates and change the name of the game to party in my dorm.
  15. Think of it as a team building tool . Would you not like to see the ally shop full of actives instead of but.thurt peeps that quit after a few bad days?
  16. Granted there are many veterans in the shop as well.
  17. This sounds like... An app or five i know of... And those games suck eggs .-. Lets not
  18. But that will add a whole new set of spam.

    There will be the ads as usual
    the volley moi's
    and the hire me
    not to mention the occasional halp our clan/ someone just attacked me what do I do!?

    And then with this gifting you will have spammers asking for people to gift me