Suggestion - slight variation to Vanished Paladins EB

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -DA-, May 10, 2013.

  1. I made this suggestion before as part of the feedback in an early weekly war update, but it got buried in the usual feedback on matchups. I’ve since spoken to many people and this idea and it seems to have almost universal support, so I thought I’d post it separately.

    When the clan losing the estoc trials / rastoc war engages the Vanished Paladins epic battle, it means that well over half the clan sits by doing nothing for that period, as they cannot hit the EB if they were not part of the war. Similarly, in a no-match scenario, those players that were not signed up for the war cannot hit the VP EB either.

    Often people like myself are on line but cannot war at that particular time, as they are too busy in real life, and do not want to compromise the clan by warring half-heartedly. But that means in reality there is significant down time: 2 hr (matchup), 2 hr (war) and 1-2 hrs (VP EB), which equates to almost 6 hours of dead time where people cannot KAW effectively. It is very frustrating. And we cannot leave clan as we lose estoc edge.

    My suggestion is to let ALL people who did not war or plan to war hit the VP EB, just don't give them the mith payout. Mith payouts are kept to those who had warred and lost or planned to war and had no match. You can also disable or prevent anyone hitting the VP EB who may have joined the clan after ee war, or simply override the clan admission button so that no one else can join. This would prevent the any abuse of this proposed change.

    This suggestion would also greatly help smaller clans who I know have complained they struggle to finish the EB without crystalling.

    Over to you …….
  2. Not a half bad idea. In order for mith to pay out they just add a modifier to check for spell WoC and then let anyone hit liked its any old EB.

    The downside to consider is that those that did cast and lost in a war earn back mith based on hits etc to the EB.
  3. Great ideas for those waiting for the epic to over at least they could had some gold rather do nothing while waiting.
  4. Support
  5. I like it muppet great thread
  6. SUPPORT, Great idea
  7. No support. 6 hours isn't that long.. 
  8. Just putting it out there, but wars used to be four hours.
  9. N before that 12 n before that 24 and 48 :/...n ugo osw
  10. Support
  11. It would be simpler to just give the mith they'd have won from vp eb and get on with your norm ebs i think. (considering currently you have to hit to get mith $ from vp so if you miss no mith back at all) eb would die to fast for most to get their hit off if all could i think.. Just me any ways.
  12. Also you could battle list, hit a farm, quest for nobs... When unable to "hit" just a thought.
  13. Reasonable but there is this cool thin called a BL. Seriously only 6 hours just hit BL :?