Suggestion: How BFE can be considered for EE match-ups

Discussion in 'Wars' started by n8milIs, May 24, 2013.

  1. Since BFE is not considered for EE match-ups it is very likely that this is leading to bad match-ups. In order to resolve this, I suggest that a disable/enable feature be added to all equipment. This Boolean flag would allow players the option of using any equipment they have for war, and not be penalized for equipment that they realistically will never use again.

    Want to have the option to switch between the Bow or Morning Star and the Shield? Fine, leave them both enabled. But know that doing so also makes you stronger for matchmaking purposes.
  2. Each Equipment slot already displays an indicator of which available Equipment piece is strongest. BFE for matching purposes should be weighted by strongest available piece of Equipment. Should a Player wish to use an alternate piece more power to them.
  3. Match ups should involve everything prestige stats equip allies everything
  4. Gamehendge, "strongest equipment" varies by Soldier/Spy level with % based equips.
  5. I agree, immortal, including clan bonuses. If it affects war it should affect the match-up.
  6. How about your pro-pack bonuses dip-****? I don't see you petitioning to disable them. And it's a clear advantage, especially if you have towers as they amplify troop levels which never change.

    Oh my bad, it's because you have pro-packs. And clearly since this advantage helps you, you would not like to lose it.

    Way to go Hyprocit.

    Go cry to somebody and develop a better strategy.
  7. IMO equipment is earned. If you guys don't like getting matched up with us destroy enough buildings and fight other clans. I have used every resource available as well as my clan has developed a good strategy. Now you want to take away my hard earned rewards because your lazy/stupid?

    I have the right to benefit from hard work.

    That's a life lesson.
  8. I'm just bringing up a topic for discussion. It's clear that the current system needs work.

    Your argument that the system is perfectly fine the way it is because you are capitalizing on it is short-sighted. If things stay the way they are then the EE war won't grow very quickly (if at all) since it's impossible to get into veteran clans that win all the time and all the other clans primarily lose.

    How about this: leave your winning clan and walk in my shoes. Then we can talk about who's a hypocrite and who is not. Read my post above yours, I said everything should be considered.

    FYI: I bought the pro pack because it came with 500 nobs and was only a little more expensive than an equivalent amount of xtals. I bought it so I could war and I had burnt all my quest crystals doing CTT and the like.

    Oh, and thanks for all the rage. You're quite the charmer.
  9. BTW, thanks for farming me, I didn't have anything to do with all those troops and spies anyway.
  10. No problem on the farming. I'll be here all day 
  11. N8 is right. If you weren't in a winning clan during preseason, goodluck.
  12. Neat-o, good to see your "hard work" is paying off for you: rage-farming somebody because you don't like their opinion.
  13. There is no rage, just farming.

    It may seem like I am in a rage while I'm handing you your ass in front of everyone because your build is weak. (another reason your clan probably loses)
  14. You want to make everything fair for everyone so you bought pro-packs, nobs, and Xstals?

    How about those who can't afford to spend money?

    Well it really isn't fair to them now is it?

    Leave my clan, and walk in your shoes.....

    No thank you. I surround myself with intellectual thinkers, problem solvers, strategist, whiskey connoisseurs, and people with good humor. You haven't proved at this point your any of the above.

    Quit crying it's embarrassing to the people who kick ass in your clan.
  15. I assumed that since you were insulting me that you were angry and unintelligent.

    Regarding all of the above, you might begin a dialogue before making assumptions about my character. Most clans have a xtal requirement and therefore you must, at some point, spend money for them unless you gain an exception from your clan.

    War in any long-term sense means spending real-life money, show me one clan that wins consistently without using xtals. I don't see how you can rationally make that argument.

    Regarding whiskey, I recommend Dry Fly if you can get it in your area.
  16. ... or 40 Creek
  17. But alas lad, you want to make match-ups fair for everyone. I would be willing to bet more clans would participate if there was no X-Stalling allowed.

    Believe it or not, a lot of players (intelligent, brilliant strategist) do not spend money on a free game.

    So yes, pro-packs, X-Stals, Nobs. They make the field un-fair.

    Son, if your going to be a bear. Be a grizzly.
  18. Again you make assumptions...

    The suggestion I make is a modification of the existing system, too many forum posters make suggestions for sweeping overhauls that will simply not be done. My suggestion is to focus on an aspect of the game that I perceive, anecdotally at least, to be a significant factor in horrible mismatches.

    If I were in a clan that is routinely on the giving end of a lopsided ass-beating I wouldn't be inclined to complain about it. But I'm later to the war game than many such as yourself, and therefore am faced with limited opportunities to surround myself with master strategists, as you suggest.

    What you are demonstrating to me is that I will be insulted for not warring, insulted for starting to war and not being immediately successful, and insulted for sharing an observation relative to my my warring experience is going so poorly.

    So, since this is a game, I generally associate games to having fun, and I'm not having any fun getting my ass kicked and being insulted, do you have any suggestions for having fun in this game other than going back in time to when EE first started?
  19. Translation

    Whaaaa whaaaa whaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. 

    Somebody call the Whambulance already 
  20. Oh, I see. You surround yourself with intellectuals, you didn't claim to be one. My mistake.