Suggestion for Colours

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xFx_GENERAL_xFx, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. Hi Dev,
    Suggestion for colours

    new colour for Unlocking all HL say Green

    New colour for unlock all HF say red

    And let Kaw Admin/Dev and mods be colourful

    I like to try other colours plz , thank u for reading, Happy Kawing Everyone 
  2. Colors for what?
  3. Can we get MoD Green then?
  4. Silly Canadian you spelled color wrong
  5. I thought that was how english people spelled it... or was it australians?
  6. Mod green and red are in use for mods and devs. Maybe try another colour
  7. Juggernaut you sit are ignorant. Everywhere else that speaks English in the world spells colour with a u.