Successful Spy Action KO in EE should maintain its Stealth

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Silph, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. I have decided to ask the Kawmunity for its views on maintaining Spy Stealth if action is successful on KO in EE war. Thus not disclosing the name of the spy attacker to the opposition. This makes the spy success action consistent throughout kaw. Stealth is a key property to all spies. Please post your support or non-support to this. I'm interested in kawmunity views. TY. SiL
  2. Hmm interesting
  3. No support because when. A war commander calls xstals and if peeps get ko with spy actions how will they know who xstalled? And who didn't?
  4. Thats the whole point -killller
  5. Killer has a point...
  6. Support- would make sense to keep it stealthy. And that would make hansels a desirable build again. As of lately the need has been for large attack builds. And tower builds. But the other problem that brings up is that usually someone's troops are taken out first making it a "stealthy" ko because anyone can scout peopel. I think that it should be assassanations/steals
  7. Makes EE more complicated and more fun! Support
  8. Should show in their clan's chat but not the opposing clan's chat.
  9. It would add another tweak in ee wars to make things that much more exciting/challenging. And also they will use troops or risk being detected while sweeping...
  10. Silph you got a point the whole point of spies is stealth, and killer ya whining ***** if your clan is sweeping properly they should know who xstalled. Simples
  11. How am I whining silph did say please post your support or non support to this mad I posted my reason for no support :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
  12. I think it should be only for assassinations or steals, because scouts are easiest action and most people can get thru. This would make hansels more desirable
  13. im in between. spies lose their point lol
  14. I like this idea 
  15. I agree somewhat with HoG Barcode - I think this should be limited to assass only.
  16. Support nobody likes being targeted by whole clan after a ko
  17. Holy ****. An LBer on forum! :lol: