Successful actions EB

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Z3R0-_-AxT0N, Jul 1, 2011.

  1. How much pull does completed actions have vs. Plunder earned when reward is given out?
  2. 24! 

    -Quote from Patrick Star
  3. You get more for EB actions.Such as spying, when hitting a oaf I would get 1.5mil max.With EB I would get 5mil.There's no tax.You get a pretty good reward per hit.10x better than pwars
  4. Not if u r a osf like me I get 15 mil a spy and 6 in eb
  5. The plunder you make is not based off of successful actions! It is based off the damage done during the epic battle which is why stronger people make more off less successful actions. :)