success rate hitting with imperial blade

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Louiz, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. pvp event is ok as long as kaw comunity can opt in and isn't pushed into - good work

    But what i dont understand is the success rate hiting with blade. If i hit, even with plea spell, my success rate is far beneath 25% making leafs. On the other hand i get lots of incoming from top lb whelding their blade. They succeed at least every second hit, most times more than that.

    And I dont know what I pay to them in terms of leafs. :shock:

    IMO devs need to adjust those rates. Its really no surprise to look at the final leaderboard. With those settings (mathwise whatever) its not an event I'm eager for. sorry devs no real money on that :lol:
  2. Maybe you're hitting the wrong people.
  3. It's a plunder war
  4. you paid 25 if i remember correctly (blade only)

    as for the success rate. its the same for me, somewhere between 20-25%. just endure i guess.

    Some people say your chances are higher when you are at full troops/spies, although i havent really noticed a difference.
  5. I agree. Sometimes with a blade I use a x-tal and get only 2-3 successful favor drops for a whole bar. Feels like a waste
  6. It's just random... One time I got favor drops 12 hits straight. Other times I'm lucky to get a drop in a full bar.
  7. Dear Louiz you get 25 palm tree ??doesnt matter !!!what matter you wack the apoc !!!right !!good job keep doing it at least they will stop say ZAFT they don't hit back !! Oh sorry wrong treads
  8. Louiz it is completely random and I can vouch that Louiz is one of the few people from Zaft I have had inc from. He at least fights back which is more than a lot of them. Kudos to you Louiz
  9. you dont belong here, this is a decent quality thread. take your stupid/childish comments elsewhere.

    btw: you pay 21, shows who actually has the guts to hit back.
  10. Who does make you think is childish ??when you all apoc gona stop to abuse on people calling name ? Who you think you are ? Tell me I can't write English /I can't say that ? Where you from ?? Moon ?
  11. i never said you couldnt write English. Its just the content of your messages.