*Stupid Wall-posts!* - Starring StrictlyProfessional!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Jan 26, 2013.

    • Hello forums, and welcome to an edition of 'Idiotic Wall Posts.' This is an idea inspired by MinnesotaBurns' 'Hate Mail' videos, and occurred to me after reading all these stupid wall posts, that I could do something similar!

      Ok, now without further ado, we shall begin!

      This editions stupid poster is none other than...

      (Picture Below.)


      Remember, read each screenshot of wall-posts from bottom to top.

      Alright, so after this very brave warrior childishly blocked me, I still had some further things to say that either didn't fit in posts or you posted after you blocked me, so here it is.


      UWell sir, I obviously do mean something to you, if you walled me after I stripped you, then proceeded to put me down... :|


      Firstly, sir, I am not a faggot, I know you probably wish I was, but unfortunately, no.

      Secondly, now I do mean something to you...? I'm not catching the second part though, if I mean enough to you to have you insult me... Then I'm obviously on your nerves.
      (Think it through sir, just don't think too hard, no need to hurt your brain.)


      Alright, I'll break this one down into parts, so SP and his friends can actually understand it.

      So, you started three months ago, 'and you're already pissing off losers like me.'

      Ok, firstly I am in no way pissed off, I made more money off you than I would a haunt, because I found hitting you very enjoyable - therefore was very active... I even hired your ally, I'm trying to be nice here!

      Secondly, if you direct losers at other noobs and forget me, well yeah, that's what you have been doing, since you don't hit back, that's all you can do... String some 3rd grade retort, with a few weak insults while you get pinned and stripped...

      Don't know if that's 'pissing people off', but if you think so! :)


      "Those six hits show the amount of effort I'm willing to put towards you."

      Ahh sir, that's the only amount of physical movement/effort you are capable of putting towards me every 5 minutes...
      :| I understand.


      Firstly, sir, you've already made it clear how many things you are able to do at one time, I already understand this...?

      And at the last comment, well if you didn't give a - what I did, you wouldn't respond to me, and you wouldn't sling weak insults at me for 10 minutes.

      Although, I'm sure both of these things have been summarized before...? I guess having the intelligence quotient of a brick, you don't remember much.


      Oh, the classic "suck my dick ", your originality stuns me my friend.

      To finish it off, all I have to say is, I'm surprised you'd say this' or even know the term, because to get it sucked, you have to have one.



      Thankyou ladies and gentleman.

      If you didn't like this, I envision you as this.



      If you did like it, well, have a

      I called you out, now hit back, It's been a long time since I made this much in a 1v1.


      Getting involved on this thread may throw you into all types of contraversy...
      But 'eh that's what it's here for! :D :lol:

      *Posting first will make you my next target.

  1. I actually hadnt noticed you stripped me until you said something lol
  2. Im starting an idiotic bbcode fail thread :)

    hehe this is nice

    *edit, give me that cookie
  3. Thanx 4 the thread
  4. Come on logical, 1 BBCode error on iDevice...?

    Give us a break mate.
  5. No problem Strictly.

    Now just try and read it, I understand it may take a few hours... But just try.
  6. You are right, there are too many non fail bbcodes in there for me to complain.

    I see your fail and raise you one... [coller=fuscha]lulz
  7. I did read it, I said some funny ****. I just blocked you because i knew it would bother you. I didnt think it bothered you enough to make a whole thread about it though.
  8. Great post! I love to see other players mishaps. Good job Anarchy!

  9. Oh the irony!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. You spelled your name wrong in your signature.
  11. Shh strictly your noob is showing
  12. you realize wall posts are in the past and i cant shh anymore
  13. Boooooooooring
  14. First

    Come at me bro on a serious note, thanks for doing this anarchy, hate this guy with a passion. When you make enough, hire meh :3
  15. Honestly though anarchy did say one thing that got to me when he tried to insult me for asking someone to teach me how to play the game better.
  16. Bump 'cause I can.