What is the secret behind SoS and plunder ally bonus? My bonus continues to decrease with every upgrade I have...
Build 17 lvl 1 sos don't upgrade until u have enough money to upgrade them all at the same time. You need a lvl 1 t5 to
The key is to buy allies every time you upgrade. The plunder drops a huge amount mainly due to the max plunder cap increasing. You'll still lose plunder, but it's worth it considering the stat gain/security/not losing a fifth of your money in pots. Better yet, skip SoS entirely in the Highland. While an SoS is dirt cheap, the first level of volar barely takes two days to earn in a haunting clan.
I'm more than 1/3 of your land has SOS your plunder drops. Will rise again when over 66% of lands has SOS on them