Strongest SH?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by water-you-doing, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Just wondering who the strongest SHs are :)
  2. Your cats.
  3. Woolooloop

    Hes a SH. :|
  4. Black swan and horse thief were the biggest I've seen

    Was top 100 on ally lb... Key word was 
  6. What happened?
  7. He got banned.. And then stripped, of a lot of gold 

  8. Yup biggest I've seen
  9. Stripping a banned account is rather pointless. Basically a ban is on par with a full reset. Dumbasses
  10. Well he had good allies so taking them isn't pointless
  11. He had/has some of the best most underpriced allies I've found. It's awesome 
  12. HorseThief