Strong SoldiersCrying noobs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Vid, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. I want to thank strong soldiers for fighting in the osw against White Wolves, it wasn't much of a fight because they had to cry to SL and TSC to help them so I had to surrender, White Wolves didn't even hit us when they stepped up, Good Fight SL/TSCBad fight White Wolves(Crying noobs)

    Strong soldiers:
    Faethor(Too big of a name to post all)
    The rest should know who they are

    Two crying noobs:
    -The_God_King- =I farmed him and he cried to Spanish-Fever, owner of white wolves who told whole clan to hit Rebellion.
    Spanish-Fever=Cried to SL and TSC for help in OSW

    Good Fight SL and TSCI just don't appreciate that White Wolves cried to you guys

    *Note* I reset because I wanted to restart,not because I wanted to get people to stop farming me so stop calling me a noob /).-
  2. Please...stop...
    I'm not in a good mood
  3. :roll: get out noob, embarrsed yourself yesterday enough
  4. How?im not embarrassed at all
  5. Lmao! I bet you're another one of balto's alt's.

    There's no way a sane person would rate balto and his alt as a strong soldier

    (Lmao sorry but still)
  6. you forgot to mention yourself
  7. I never cried to anyone
  8. He fought for me, that's why he's a strong soldier
  9. Wow, they called allies in a 1v1 clan osw… that breaks regulations or was it open osw. **Note** im not on or was on either side.
  10. This entire "osw" is absolutely idiotic. It's full of cocky fucks and butthurt jerkoffs.
  11. It was a 1v1 I had no clans helping but they cried to other clans
  12. And im seeing relleion clan (non active) or am i on wrong clan
  13. Nobody,I never wanted this, now that I surrendered White Wolves is putting it in our face, how would u feel if that happened to you?
  14. Rebellion. Is currently close cuz we need to pot up and grow
  15. But we still united
  16. Stop being butthurt, white wolves will eventually piss off someone who isn't stupid and get wrecked.
  17. I just asked myself this question, "why am i posting on a thread about an osw of clans i never heard of?" Hmmmm **lurks bak in the darkbess**
  18. U never answered my question,how would u feel?
  19. I would be a little annoyed, however I wouldn't be a butthurt reject and reset.