
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jigsaw-4-the-union, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. How many steals is it to clear someone out

    Say person A got 20 bill out
    How many steals would it take for person B
    Like is there a certain amount of steals for each bill you strip 
  2. 8000 I heard.
  3. 8154 steals, 407.75bars
  4. 5000 steals
  5. Is that for 20bill?
  6. 20bil or 20tril its still the same ammount of steals
  7. To fully clean someone out?!
  8. Yes, thou abt 100bars get 50% or more
  9. Incorrect. It doesn't take the same amount of steals regardless of the strip. The more gold out the more steals requires. Now, granted an extra few hundred steals doesn't make that much f a difference when you're talking about thousands of steals. Also, it depends on the build sizes to determine how many steals to clean.
  10. Get someone to help u make sure he is a sleep don't be stupid :|
  11. 1 trill takes 8154 steals to clean , it will prob vairy from plus/minus 100 from there but not much
  12. What he said it correct i believe ^
  13. @OP, too much time, many headaches. Don't bother haha unless you have a butt load of crystals. Then bother.
  14. I was about to post on this thread, but then when I cancelled my post, I ended up on a completely different thread.
  15. 20 bill strip? Total waste of time and crystals! 
  16. If your doing a max plunder strip of 20b it's more efficient to attack it to pin and just keep pinning.. 1 attack = 3 steals..

    If you are stripping 1v1 this is way more effiecient.. If you want to crystal then dump a bunch of steals on the target.. Then run your attack bar right before your last crystal.. If target was off line and bars were full you could use last crystal to just skim both your bars..

    You are not gonna clean with this method, it's impossible to clean by yourself no matter what you do.. It will take a few tries but it will send the message..
  17. You should never fully strip by stealing as the last 3-4000 steals take very little.

    Rough numbers for strips are:-

    To take 25% 350 steals
    To take 50% 850 steals
    to take 75% 1733 steals
    To take 90% 2900 steals
    To take 95% 3700 steals
    To take 99% 5700 steals
    To take 99.9% 8000 steals

    As you can see at some point above 90% it's better to either stop or attack only as stealing does very little.

    Snr 
  18. You should have a good idea snr.