Devs please understand the kaw players, most or at least players I know find eb dull and items mean we have to eb or be left behind Now we can upgrade items which means more eb You may have noticed osw have rocketed in last 6 months Why? Because we like to fight other players not tap repeat button System wars need complete revamp or no one will be interested Obviously you will get people who just want to build their kingdom and lay low but it's KINGDOMS AT WAR lets make it fun again
They need to make the JaW classic like everyone wanted -.- isay we bump that again. Kaw classis to fight, here to sorta fight an chit chat lmao.
I understand About the Epic Battles and Osw. But how would they see this,Dev's don't read Forum's unless it's flagged by a moderator.
Get a mod to flag it so they are forced to read it Who wants to be the sacrifice and make it flaggable lol?
I have a whopping 1 item on my main. Why? Mainly because I've been in OSW for the duration of the last 10-12 months. Which is great, because that's how I like to play. But sadly. More and more. I am having trouble hitting players smaller than me. Mainly because of the eb items. How is it fair that I must either conform to an alternate way of playing, one which I'm not fond of, or fall behind? If you want to distribute items through eb's. Fine. But don't make them game changing. I'm tired of having to use attack pots on smaller builds who are stripped clean and potless. Items should of been left as rewards for achievements( or BL) Not hitting the repeat action button. The devs dropped the ball on this one.
Mods btw I won't farm u all well not at same time anyway but honestly the mods I know and have known in past (rip yarmes) would agree with me
Perhaps you're looking at the game wrong. For starters, system wars were revamped to its current state because the old system was a much more broken form of eb. It was the first patch of several, this coming patching being another to the system. Additionally, you bring up that OSW have rocketed. Do you realize, up until this last month or so, that most complained about ebs and used the lack of OSWs as an example? Make up your mind on this one. Most prefer OSW because it provides something that system wars can never give. Furthermore, look at history as far as your last statement: What nation has been perpetually at war with 0 breaks or rest? Hmm? Also, you're ignoring the fact that the majority of the playerbase, like it or not, play this game for the ebs and to be social. As for "let's make it fun again", do recall there is a large update to system wars coming soon, so please explain your reasoning for this current post. What are you asking system wars be totally revamped to?
And think the current reasoning is HAVING to eb to keep up with the Joneses. In my opinion, eb make too much of a difference in battle. I'd line to see the a little more rare and a little less of a stat increase. If everyone will have them eventually, what's the point?
Majority now maybe play for ebs and social but your giving up on players that have been here for over 2 years in a game once loved They bought nobs they bought xtals they paid your wages now comments from them ignored ? Oh new eb noobs on scene old kaw players are now redundant
End of day it's my opinion you have yours bunny welcome to that only reason new players like eb in MY OPINION is they know nothing else
You're funny, I like that about you. Also, it's nice to be unknown . To address your posts now: It is true that the developers believe this game to be a social application, and, if given a designation on the type of game, it would be most similar to any mmorpg you might find on PC, despite the strategy elements, if not especially so. The different tiers of buildings, or combined stat ranges can be easily compared to levels of a character, although perhaps lands explored would fall into the "level" of a player, with the buildings comparable to highly customizable stats that can be changed for the right amount of gold. Keep in mind that in any mmorpg, even ones that have global pvp as its appeal, such as perhaps Aika Online, grinding for levels is a neccessary evil. In fact, let's compare the 2, shall we? In Aika Online, you can do storyline quests and they'll get you up until perhaps level 50, but you'll then have to spend much time earning the remaining I believe it's 15 levels now, as the quests are not enough by themselves. You could compare this to the ease one can reach LowlandBC and the slower progression towards HLBC. While it's true you can earn medals for killing accounts that are not too weak for you and trade them in for experience, compared to grinding, the experience gained doesn't hold a candle to it. Still, one could repeatedly kill an opponet if they wished for medals, but it still would not be the same rate, or even close. Likewise, especially taking into account the enemy's defensive potions to break through and retaliation to be expected, pvp is not nearly as profitable as pve. However, as opposed to Aika Online, one can make relatively decent income using OSFs, if at greater cost to set up such a tradeoff. There's even rare drops to be found in dungeons in Aika Online, powerful sets giving strong bonuses that can be difficult to accquire. Kingdoms at War has similar equipment drops, although until the war tournament update does not have the strong pvp equipment Aika Online has to offer, but even that is coming. Indeed, there's even an enchanting system in Aika Online, with equipment that can go up to say plus 13, except they have a greater chance of failing even more than you can in KaW and the equipment can be destroyed bringing things up to that amount. Still, as Aika Online has a cash shop, part of the money they make is in selling items that make it so you can only fail, and not fail more, and thus keep the existing enchantment on the equipment, although that doesn't improve chances of success. In fact, Aika Online even has what we would call a system war, a function called Battlegrounds where up to 24 players on each side can go against each other and do battle, and, like in kaw, the system was widely unused save when the game moderators would host wars, clans hold the rare scrimmage, and the main use of 2 teams taking turns winning to farm medals. However, Aika Online also had what we would call nonsystem wars, with the server split into 5 nations, mirrors of each other's landscape but all connected by a Rift, where hard alliances could be made with 1 nation and only attempts to maintain alliance with another possible. These nations would regularly attack each other for relics to try and steal Nation-wide buffs for their nation, and defend against those who would take theirs. I'll not get too detailed into the mechanics but there was always regular fighting daily, despite the coexistance of PvE going on in the same map, although naturally that PvE would occasionally be interrupted by another attacking the person grinding and those on the hunt to keep the nation free of hostile foreigners and contain them in the rift. Furthermore, organizing each nation was a head alliance, called the LMA, or Lord Marshall's Army, which decided taxes, invested the nation's gold into defenses, earned a percentage of the treasury to keep the alliance maintained on expenses, and other expenditures and features such as the nation-wide Red Chat that appeared accross people's screens to rally defenses and organize attacks. If one didn't like the LMA, they could sign up weekly to challenge them in a Castle Siege, at times multiple factions vying for control if the nation was in a civil war. Yet still, despite all of this, if you did not grind, especially when new levels released, you always stood the inevitability of doing less damage, of surviving less hits, and so forth, yet, the pvp continued alongside the grinding, and for all I know still continues to this day. The pull of that game was what we called OSWs, just like the pull of this game was to those old players you claim the developers are ignoring and still is to some. If the developers heavily rewarded PvP in the form of gold, it would not be true pvp, things would just go back to the OSF system, and epics would be seen as a little used update. If nonsystem pvp rewarded mithril, system wars would be used even less than currently. Does this mean there's no hope for pvp? Far from it. There's many alternative the developers can do if needed, which they are aware of, and from your own statement the OSWs will continue, so, please explain now how if OSW's are on the rise how a majority of the playerbase likes ebs because "they know nothing else?" Such people who like epics exist, and so do the "old players" you speak of. I should know, but this is enough for one post, no? EDIT: To explain my last section, if you're saying OSW's have spiked up lately, then these people must know of things other than simply waging the so-called epic battles. Also, how I stated how players in Aika Online play, so do players in kingdoms at war, if they so choose. Players in Aika online can and some do to do only PvE, but it is not the main draw, despite it being required.
Tbh, I don't mind how kaw is. Whenever I feel like farming Ido it. More the funnier when eb noobs chat **** and wake up with their on show