Discussion in 'Wars' started by OcToPuS, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Hello, this is STRING_CHEESEwith my own attempt at a System War Guide Yes I am aware there is at least one very well thought out System War Guide by Wulf, and this this one probably won't be nearly as good, but here I go, I shall try.

    Step 1.

    Before the war starts you must this of a plan. Whether it be to strip #4 10 seconds into the war or eat donuts the whole thing, a dumb plan is better than no plan at all.

    Step 2.

    NEVER join war before it actually starts. There are many war that have been lost because the owner or an admin has joined the war hours before it starts, and then they leave the game for coffee hours and get farmed to pin after pin. If a member does this all you have to do is kick and tell to reapply when on.

    Step 3.

    Have someone put your attacks lost and attacks won on your wall so they can tell if you are leaking or not. Oh the leak.

    Step 4.

    If you are a spy based build, scout all members of the opposing team and report back the about how many pots they have. (you can tell this because it says Chances of winning an attack (??%- ??%)
    and then it will say next to it: (no defense pots: ??%-??%) if this second number is way higher then they most likely have full pots or almost full. If it is the same then they have no pots, and if it's only a few % higher, they only have a couple pots. Report those numbers back to Clan Chat so others are informed.

    Step 5.

    When the war actually starts, ALWAYS record hits, incoming or outgoing. Like so:
    Then P or NP (pinned or not pinned) and sometimes :## if they are pinned when they were pinned.

    Step 6.

    Always target weaker players unless you know you can win against the bigger ones.

    Step 7.

    Always fight from pin and using spells never hurts. If the war was planned you should know a little about their sleep schedule (only really applies in 48 hour wars, as most people can stay awake the 24 hours of a "Battle" mode war)and be able to use this to your advantage. If they are random about sleep times, or hard to figure out just wait until they pop out of pin for a couple minutes.

    Step 8.

    Have coffee as your friend. And donuts. Cheers.

    If any BB codes fail I'm sorry, and I will fix as soon as I am on my Laptop. Thanks.
    And you know trolls. They troll.
    And you know Haters. They hate.

    Also I'm sorry about any colors that are hard to read, just try to read it. No need to get all cranky because one thing is too bright to read on iDevice or too dark to read on PC.

    And thanks for reading if anyone got this far. Cheers.
  3. Plz excuse it lol
  4. Wth did I mean by "coffee hours" the world may never know lol
  6. Yes.....yeah
  7. Before the war starts you must this(?) of a plan.. Think?
    I agree
  8. Ok i like it:)
  9. This or think Oh ******* well
  10. Thanksill fix bbcodes and grammar when on pc
  11. Some clans have noted that win/lose post can give the enemy info but i do agree that its a good strategy.
  12. Good point but still leak or give enemy info?
  13. I say give enemy info. Lol leaks suck:(
  14. Lol I know I'm in a war right now lol
  15. War guide writing n alcohol don't mix
  16. This shall not die!!!
  17. Everyone seems gone lol
  18. Then why the hell didn't you just post it from your laptop in the first place?

    There's a "preview" button there for a reason - use it, my stringy cousin!