Chapter I Lonely? Bored? Poor? Yes, this is what KaW can eventually do to you. So, when times are bad and things are boring, I implore you to do one thing. Dance. But. How does one dance? Well, there are many forms of dancing and in this thread I will show you but a few of these so that you may become more knowledgeable and allow yourself to dance with ease. So you want to continue reading? Chapter II In this most glorious of chapters, I will be giving you a mere glimpse into the vast amount of moves that you will be able to pull off after reading this thread... Moves such as the prolonged eagle headbang are vital to initiating your routine, walk onto the dancefloor with this one and have no doubt, people will know that you're there. If you are bold enough to stroll in wearing only a pair of goggles and some blue small skimpy things, this is the thing for you. To be honest I don't even know what to call this but if you have the confidence to pull off this insane move, I'm not even sure why you're reading this thread. So, having pulled off either, or even both, of these moves you should have broken the ice comfortably and be getting ready to move on to some more complicated moves. However. As you may well know, breaking the ice that easily is not always possible. So as a final resort, you may pull off this move. If you copy this exact move, I can say nothing else but congratulations, for you will have broken the ice. I'm proud of you. Chapter III Are you ready? These moves will cater to all ages and all levels of experience. I hope you enjoy them. I also hope that you're not using 3G at this point, although it is probably too late anyway. The Swish The "please do this more often" dance The "Happy" Swish The "Intense" Swish The "Sorry I kicked you" Swish The feeler The awkward "I don't know what else to do" stir The "almost" Robot Jewish White Boi Yarmulke tossing break dancing courtesy of Willy Did you mention dancing? Courtesy of Prime The roll that Rick does. Courtesy of Savage. Chapter IV Dad Dancing Yes, this deserves its own chapter. The I don't care what you think The "Belt Grabber" Kind of Dad dancing. Courtesy of Pipe. The I've still got it The "Lawn Mower" Always awkward... Chapter V Well, thanks for reading and viewing. If you have more moves that you like to pull out, post em here and I'll add them in, I'll also add some more of my own in it's just... Well my internet. I can feel it hurting. Goodbye.
Sorry about the rather lacking Daddy dancing chapter, I'll try and find some more. Also sorry for your internet. :shock: