Story Writing - KAW

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by PoisonStar_StormingClan, Dec 7, 2014.

  1. Because of the time I have I may or may not go BACK to writing stories, but if i do go back then updates may be slow. I realize we all have lives, but hating on others stories is SO not the way to pass your life. If you have nothing NICE to say about a certain story, then don't say anything at all. "Being nice to people you don't like isn't being 'two-faced'; it's called growing up"
  2. Because that made total sense :roll:
  3. You would understand if you looked at negative feedback that people give. Plus the negative Feedback is NOT constructive, it's just demeaning. And troll dude, go tr00l some1 else!
  6. You quoted incorrectly.

    I'm offended
  7. I'm offended by that gif you posted so you offended me first.
  8. I'm offended that you think we care
  9. Sorry

  10. I support anyone in their efforts to write FF for KaW. Get started!


    Troll, that's hilarious.
  11. well then no1 curr that you posted that gif 50,00000,000 times
  12. I don't care, I'm fairly certain there are others who don't care. Negative feedback is called corrections or things you can do to improve. Now go away.
  13. I'll give you some writing advice

    Proofread and be logical with your hyperboles

    50,00000,000 times: incorrect comma placement and extreme exaggeration

    But truthfully....

  14. Not helping because i would like COnSTRuctive not nEgative feedback
  15. I dont care for advice from someone who makes it a habit to annoy and offend me
  16. Negative is spelled wrong

    Constructive has improper capitalization

    Great read though!
  17. I dont care for your 'advice' so let me give you some advice, go bother someone who is not me
  18. Next time post with your main. The posting with an alt makes you appear weak, which you are. If you truly believe in this you wouldn't be afraid of posting with your main. :roll: